i run thick fluro or braid for pike, if its a sunny day or if they are picky, they might not hit the steel wire, especially the bigger ones, its all a matter of setting your drag right and having patience to land it, this is if you're using lures, if you're using live bait such as minnows with a float, then forget about the braid or thick fluro you're gonna want a nice steel wire, as thin as you can find, they aren't overly picky when using live bait. For carp, i find 10 lb is enough, you just gotta have a good reel, and lots of patience, I've used 20 lbs for carp before but i find that honestly you don't need more then 10-15 pound braid for carp with a leader, i like using dough for them, corn works as well, diving lures work as well, i enjoy fishing for them with lures and with a float made of a goose feather, no sinker, just a good hook, that won't bend and a big ball of dough, they suck the dough in, then when your float starts going side to side then stands up, set the hook, these guys can be anywhere from 1-50 pounds and I'm sure there are bigger ones then that. All you gotta do is have patience, a good reel, don't set the drag too light and don't set it too tight, remember these guys have no teeth, you gotta let them suck the bait in, don't be afraid to pull but within limits of the line, its a good workout when you get a 15+ pounder on, you even gotta run for it sometimes, there easy to catch and tons of fun!