New Year New Fish

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New Member
Jan 1, 2020
Hey guys I’m Matthew I’m 28 and I’m from Toronto. I only started fishing at the beginning of 2019. It was a bit of a rough year for both on/off shore fishing. Caught two tiny largemouth bass, lost a trout trying to reel it in , some small rockbass and pumpkin seed. Long story short i haven't really caught much of anything. I've traveled a small ways trying to find new places to fish. I've generally gone as far as north bay looking for secluded places to fish, but i am definitely willing to go even further north in hopes of finding a decent fishing spot.
was wondering if anyone would have any advice for someone who's still new to fishing , in terms of finding our own spots to check out and explore ? i really wouldn't mind a secluded lake that you might share with other anglers, hikers, or canoers from time to time, but the lakes i have been to have been so over crowded with people you could barely get your boat through the water safely.
The common issues i seem to face are, driving for long periods of time down back roads on the find no access signs eventually just as i am about to reach the lake i was hoping to explore. Finding truly secluded areas. finding decent fishing spots that can somewhat be accessed by road.
i already use resources to avoid trespassing and targeting species. I currently use google earth, the fishONline website, as well as now using the crown land use policy atlas in hope of finding some nice secluded public areas to head to for spring of 2020 as i currently don't have any ice fishing gear. usually drive a few hours north of toronto looking for rivers or streams that will either run along or underneath back roads to fish. i mostly do bank fishing, although i did rent a boat one weekend this past summer but still found my self having a skunk of a day.
If anyone maybe was interested in planning a backcountry camp and fishing trip for the spring/summer i would be game , and any advice is greatly appreciated. I am more than willing to learn.