Newbie to river!

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Active Member
Mar 11, 2014
Trying to get into river fishing. Was wondering if anyone could help on some simple starting tactics without having to go by a fly rod. Basically trying to kill time before pike season but want to learn proper techniques so I can get into it further in the future. I'm out of mississauga so the credit and bronte are very accessible. You can be sure my I have proper fishing etiquette and respect the fish and laws so any info won't be taken advantage of. Thanks guys! And good fishing!
You can get out there and toss spinners without buying any extra gear. If you want to float fish for them use the longest rod you have available, go to the tackle shop and buy some floats, split shot, flurocarbon leader and micro swivels. They should be able to explain to you how to set it up properly. At the end of your line you can throw on roe bags, pink worms, beads or flies.
now the next step...anyone know any good access points to the credit? As far as the regs it's open all year from L Ontario to the 403 bridge...haven't lived in mississauga for too long
Use the cheapest rod you've got and tie on a pickeral rig with a bell sinker and load it up with minnows or worms, or both. How deep you fish will determine what you catch. Cheers.
Thanks Shepp!
Gonna give it a shot with some small mepps, and some pink worms and should come up with something, my first trout at that lol... I sound like a rookie, just to put it out there I've been at this for 15 years...pike walleye bass but truly never river fished. Oh sorry maybe at credit, waiting riverside with a marshmallow on my hook, and people swearing wd40 works lol...
at the 400 flea market in barrie theres a fishing booth he sells rods for cheap i got my 10.5 foot rod there nice rod