NIagara has been decent for us

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2010
niagara falls

Date: Dec 24
[b]Number of fish landed [/b]– 2 out of 4. Landed a 7lb lake trout(no picture), landed a 4lb chrome , one lake trout lost, and one potential catch that seemed to be a musky, which cut my buddy`s line after a short fight. His reel drag even set tight turned fast and then line cut off.
Number of anglers fishing in our area: 20 or more. Half of them using spinning and half using Pinning reel.
Many anglers I spoke to throughout the day has mix bag, some landed , some got skunk.
Technique we used: Spinning reel use. We cast and retrieved with spoon and 3/8 oz jigheads.
Number of lures we lost- Two 3/8 oz jigheads and 4 spoon between two of us.
Total Hours hiking and fishing -6.5hrs- 10am to 4:30pm.
Location- Niagara lower river
Water clarity- 4-5ft visibility, quite clear IMO
Temp-: -3 degrees in the morning; 0 in the afternoon
Wind direction- NE 15km. Even calmer down below until 3pm – wind picked up.
Cloudy the whole time, got a little bit windy and sun came out only around 3pm.

My buddy and I went across the border to the US Mail box address to pick up some of the goods he bought at ebay . Lot of other Canadians showed up to pick up their package as well.
By the time we got to the water by 10am, most ideal spot were taken, a mistake for showing up too late on a non-working holiday. However, my buddy landed and release the first 7lb lake trout of the day after fishing for the first 15 minutes. Nothing then for us till almost 3pm.

We hiked to many other left over isolated quiet spot that day, no fish to be caught, but more lures lost fishing unfamiliar territories. Until 2:45pm, when many had left, we then fished their spot. For 1 hour of decent fishing , two more fish lost between us, and I landed my 4lb chrome. I have to re-set 5 times to ensure a good hook set, so this Steelhead will not escape this time, even if it had a chance to jump 4 times out of the water. Less than 10 minutes prior to this second hit, the first one, a bigger lake trout, was lost after a short fight. Due to lack of focus on my part from not getting any hits for many hours of fishing, I forgot to re-set my catch on the first surprise hit of the day.

During the short 1 hour of decent fishing in the afternoon, the wind picked up, and the sun came out, were contributing factors that made the fish to become active IMO, that was when we seemed to have establish a successful pattern. Fishing slowed down before and after that hour. We have not change our presentation entire day, so I would say the fish got active and we were there at the right time as well.

I chatted with many locals that day to learn more of what is happening in other spots. Can't wait to go back and try other areas, just need to show up earlier next time.

Just few other image of fish we had landed on weeks of fishing the area:
very nice fish, would just like to suggest to keep your fingers out of the fishes gills if youre releasing them