No luck in West Tribs

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2013
So I have been out trying my luck in quite a few spots over the past few days (spent 2 full days scouting too), but everything seems completely barren. No sign of any real fish. I have tried spots ranging from Burlington to almost Etobicoke, just some light nibbles in the occasional spot :( Is anyone else having a similar experience? I even went tonight after the big rainfall. I may just go find a trout lake somewhere so I can at least catch something before hitting the books again.

If anyone has a secret spot where all the fish are hiding and you wouldnt mind telling a rookie, please give me a shout! It would be greatly appreciated.
CJR said:
Lake Ontario.

So...Should I fish off of a pier or something? Or do I need a boat? I figured the fish would be way out in the lake, and I do not have access to a watercraft.
salmon are going to start entering the rivers very, very soon. keep an eye out for river mouths around end of august
Sweet, thanks guys. Any thoughts on the little ponds and lakes in the area? I really want to try to catch some bass, maybe 2-4 pounds nothing special. I heard Kelso can be good but I dont know how it is at this time of year.

I am actually getting really antsy over this lol, I really want to get just one good catch in the books for myself. Think I would have any luck if I headed to one of my local piers and fished from there? I heard there can be some salmon or trout, though I do not have a net (is it necessary?).
I actaully caught my first Salmon for this season in an eastern trib on Sunday.

The salmon are there, you need to know where to look and what to toss at em.....
iJay said:
I actaully caught my first Salmon for this season in an eastern trib on Sunday.

The salmon are there, you need to know where to look and what to toss at em.....
yep I can confirm that they're in the eastern trips
I was really suprized. We stopped at a trib on our way back from fishing at a lake out east.
Caught, landed and is now in our freezer waiting on my mother in law to pick it up.
iJay said:
I was really suprized. We stopped at a trib on our way back from fishing at a lake out east.
Caught, landed and is now in our freezer waiting on my mother in law to pick it up.
Ever release anything?
iJay said:
I actaully caught my first Salmon for this season in an eastern trib on Sunday.

The salmon are there, you need to know where to look and what to toss at em.....
Well, I don't actually know what the east tribs is comprised of (Im not even sure if I know what the west tribs are...), not to mention I have no real idea where to look, hence why I started the thread. Every spot I have "found" for fishing has been completely absent of any fish.
They start entering east trib first...if you're mainly fishing the GTA tribs...try 2 weeks from now. That rain wasn't enough...we need some more.
I'd say I release about 90% of what I catch. My Mother in law wanted a salmon. paid my dues for the season.
kelso is indeed pretty crap. now i do know someone who fished it and won the lottery by pulling a 5 pounder out of there couple years back with photo evidence. he fished it several times since thinking it was a honey hole but soon found out just how lucky he was that one time.
Seeing all these posts about the fish being there just makes me feel bad =/ I am thinking of either heading up to the upper parts of Bronte, or checking out Mill Pond. Any thoughts on those?
Doorhandle said:
Seeing all these posts about the fish being there just makes me feel bad =/ I am thinking of either heading up to the upper parts of Bronte, or checking out Mill Pond. Any thoughts on those?
yep east is your best bet wont say where but east of scarbrough
Brian said:
Try rivers east of Toronto to better your chances...

ChasinTails said:
yep east is your best bet wont say where but east of scarbrough

Unfortunately that is just too far of a drive for me :( I live in Oakville, I don't have time for a 2+ hour drive to go fishing, especially since I can really only go in the evenings. Thank you for the heads up though!