Nothing like... McDonalds

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Steelhead Master
Apr 13, 2012
North Shore
Having a slow morning... and then deciding with your crew to jump rivers.. perfect time for someone in your pack to moan "im hungry!"

Well, lucky for you guys, GT has shared the McDonalds coupons! A quick stop at SlopperCity aka. McFatties aka RottenRonnies aka McDonalds can provide us with the nutrients needed to wade/heeltoe trib to trib, run to run, hole to hole.

Everyone should get these in the mail, but in case you didn't, or have already run out of your favorite, feel free to print another copy.

This was promoted on my fbook... thought I would share. Says valid until April 4.

Does the burger come with a porta potty
Cause your gonna need one within an hour of bein back on the water
RUSTY420 said:
Does the burger come with a porta potty
Cause your gonna need one within an hour of bein back on the water
+1...I'm only comfortable eating mcdo...a.k.a. micky-d's when I'm at home...alone.
Beauty thx for the coupons, three mcdoubles and two jr chickens...cheapest way to fill your craving.

RUSTY420 said:
Does the burger come with a porta potty
Cause your gonna need one within an hour of bein back on the water
Hahaha my buddy calls them rent-a-meals. I never really notice it though but I eat so much mcdicks im probably immune by now.
Freakin Mcdonalds...always hard on my stomach....I hadn't notice the pattern but started to realize that right after eating any mc-crap my stomach started to make awful noises and felt's been 2 years since I had the last Mcsh17....a ziploc of celery and carrots will do the job for an outing; have a spare banana if you feel tired... :)
can they design a banana that has special sauce, lettuce cheese and bacon on it..if so bring on the bananas HAHA
You are lucky rusty. First 420 then BBQ and pints lol

Lately I have been enjoying the poutine at Harveys with bacon.
river55 said:
You are lucky rusty. First 420 then BBQ and pints lol

Lately I have been enjoying the poutine at Harveys with bacon.
Unfortunately, when you work on the road for 20 or 30 years you are stuck eating this Shitte.
Now I work closer to home and find out I am a great Chef. The guys I work with can't understand why I don't go into Mickie Dees with them everyday. Only one answer. I have real food at home waiting.

goodentight said:
nothing beats a jr chicken on the river
a great way to ease the pain when it's getting "skunky" and a great way to celebrate when you're having a great fishing day.
What about the pain when your stomach flips.
There's nothing worse then being on the water and tryin to rely on a liquid bubble to hold everything back. Lmao