Salmon / Steelhead Hotspots

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i fish the notty daily. There are a few good pools by the bridge. If you are going in towards angus there is a park on your left side with a fish cleaning station and a newly built shelter. If you walk down the river from there to the first bend there is a pool that is producing quite a few fish.
on a weekend. i work in borden so i stop for 3-4 hrs a night. tonight the bows were getting lit up right in the pool i described. only saw 1 salmon landed while i was fishing but a guy had 3 on a stringer. im still just trying to learn to use my centerpin
Well if anyone wants to go let me know but you will have to pic me up on the way like i said just let me know.
Rapala Boy said:
From today.

24. Credit River Golf Course: The golf course section is a very risky place to be, but if the fish are running you'll be guaranteed to see some in this section. The golf course closes some time in November in case you don't like getting yelled at or getting hit by a golf ball. It's a long section with lot's of productive spots.

I would be very careful on this stretch of the river. Form what I have heard from reliable sources is that people have been charged with tresspassing and the Peel Region Police will show up to charge you.
jc53 said:
Rapala Boy said:
From today.

24. Credit River Golf Course: The golf course section is a very risky place to be, but if the fish are running you'll be guaranteed to see some in this section. The golf course closes some time in November in case you don't like getting yelled at or getting hit by a golf ball. It's a long section with lot's of productive spots.

I would be very careful on this stretch of the river. Form what I have heard from reliable sources is that people have been charged with tresspassing and the Peel Region Police will show up to charge you.

As long as you don't step on shore, you're not trespassing. Navigable waters in Canada are public property. The golf course doesn't own the Credit River, but I will definitely look into this on Monday just to be safe.
I was down at the notti today and the ppl down there was crazy but the fish are there that is fact it is just hard to find a spot on the bank to fish.
its usually really bad on weekends shadow. try another spot along the notty other then angus. if i dont try some lake ont tribs next weekend ill pm you and show you some other spots
I got really good tipoff today the Salmon are at Montgomery rapids on the Notti someone i know told me he was there yesterday and caught 4 and i saw him today and he had another 2 really good size too the other part of the run has moved further up stream from Angus to Everet in Aliston. :shock: :shock: :shock:
I was fishing today @ Burnhamthope/Credit River.

Rapala Boy said:
1. Mouth of Wilmot Creek: you can catch your limit of steelhead here easily in late winter, every thing works (spinners, roe, nymphs). You can take a trail that goes to the mouth.

Mouth of Wilmot 43°53'45.33"N 78°35'47.87"W

2. CNR Bridge of Wilmot Creek: Under the CNR bridge of wilmot there are so many steelhead in spring you will not believe it. Best bet is to come early on opener and drift live minnows from above the CNR. Park at the samuel wilmot parking.

CNR Bridge at Wilmot Creek 43°54'20.60"N 78°36'4.37"W

3.The red bridge at Wilmot Creek: you can see salmon/steelhead bellow the log jam if you look carefully, sometimes they will come out if they feel comfortable. Go up till you get to the next pool and if you look from the west side of the creek you will see fish.

The red bridge at Wilmot Creek 43°54'7.85"N 78°36'3.70"W

4. Humber River: The mouth is excellent for catching salmon from shore in late September even during the day.

5. Humber River: Bellow bloor st is a good bet cause many of the fish don't make it up the old mill dam.

6. Credit River: Paddle up above the QEW till you notice the water is running faster and shallower and you will see one of the best salmon holding spots in a corner bellow the golf course (personal favorite).

7. Port Credit: Troll RidgeTown (near brown ship) at night and you will have lots of crazy chinooks beneath you. Best lures are glow spoons, lighted and glow J-Plugs.

8. Bronte Creek: Bellow rebecca is a sanctuary from shore, but if you have a small boat you can mingle with the salmon once they are there as it is legal from a boat of some sort.

9.Ganaraska River: Target the steelhead the same time you would in late winter at wilmot and you will have a blast.

10. Nottawasaga River in Angus, Ontario: There are lots of salmon at the bridge at highway 90, but you can also try near the rail road :) . Both Drifting and casting work.

11. Bowmanville Creek, the "S" bends. You can get into some really great steelhead fishing here in March and April. Any earlier than that and you'll find it frozen over on most days. But, I've seen guys ice fishing here, auger and all - dropping heavy lead egg sinkers with roe bags straight down, right next to the bank, pulling out fresh chrome through the ice. (Not the safest thing to do on a river IMO) caught a 20 pound chinook and 16 pound thx man

As the temps start to rise, you'll find it partially frozen in the morning and mostly/completely melted by the afternoon.

Bowmanville Creek, the "S" bends 43°53'44.45"N 78°40'36.49"W

12. Lake Ontario Summer Salmon: just in front of the Toronto Islands and Leslie Spit there is one of the quickest dropoffs in the whole lake (going from shallow to 200 feet deep) out just 1-2 kms from the tip of Leslie and the islands. This spots got you covered for trolling, remember not to troll TOO deep, I wouldn't go bellow 120 in 250 feet of water.

Here's the best depth chart of Lake Ontario: ... rio_72.pdf
(it takes time to load so be patiant lol)

13. Bluffers Park Marina Brown Trout and Salmon: Once you get to bluffers park take a left turn and go to the parking at the marina not at the parking thats in front of Brimley Road. In October there will be a bunch of salmon looking for a river that end up here. Casting Rapalas and spoons both work. In November you can catch Brown Trout using the same techniques, but smaller lures like spinners produce too. The yacht club bridge is a good bet, try looking under it :) .

14 highland creek the best spot to fish salmon at the beginning of the run which is now :D
FYI to those who don't know where that is: 43.766389, -79.145278

15. THE WHIRLPOOL...........Niagara.....The hike down and up might kill ya, but the fight there is more then worth it.

16. Grindstone Creek** Hamilton/Burlington Salmon. ** Unverified/Rumoured hot spot

OK, just to let you know, this spot is unverified, but it's a place that I've been meaning to try now for years -- Years ago, I met a guy while fishing and we struck up a conversation about the fall salmon run. He told me about this little honey hole in Hamilton called Grindstone Creek. He said it was a small creek that gets a fall salmon run and few people knew about it... He said, and I quote "The salmon get so thick in there that you can walk across their backs"

If you want to try, Grindstone Creek is here: 43°17'39.06"N 79°52'54.44"W

17. Ashbridge's Bay

Surprised no one listed this one yet.
One of my favourite places to chuck spoons and J-13's.
Great spot for night time kings and browns.
Some decent pike in there too.

Remember to bring a large long handled net, as you'll be high off the water surface walking the boardwalk.

18. The first pool at Wilmot Creek The BEST Steelhead spot.

This is probably the best Steelhead spot I've ever seen. In March and April, this pool can produce non-stop fresh chrome. Stand on the North bank and cast towards the opposite bank and drift the pool. It's a small standing area, and you WILL typically be sharing this spot with 8 or 9 other guys, shoulder to shoulder, so be courteous to your fellow anglers.

The first pool at Wilmot Creek 43°53'46.36"N 78°35'49.36"W

19. Duffins Creek. Salmon and Steelhead

20. Oshawa Creek. Salmon and Steelhead

21. Credit River: There are two good holding spots bellow the Dundas Street bridge that has smooth flowing water and it's easy to spot fish. Your going to have to get wet a bit to get there so waders are recommended. Especially in cold water.

22. Credit River: Bellow the Dundas bridge at Erindale Park there is a pool with running water coming from above. This is the best spot I have seen IMO. The trick is you need somewhat clear water and you have to be standing on the man-made concrete side to see the fish. You could have a fish 2 feet away from you at times. Float fishing works in the fast water and flyfishing works in the slow water. The best way to get to the other side of the river is to cross it downstream where the water is slower and shallower (thermal waders recommended in cold water).

23. Bowmanville Creek at Spry Ave/Baseline Rd W Salmon/Steelhead* Check Regs for closed season.

The stretch of river between Baseline rd W all the way up to the dam is a prime Salmon and Steelhead fishery. This stretch of river has lots of pools that hold salmon in the summer/fall, and steelhead from the fall through until spring. Closed from January 1st until last saturday in April. Check your regs.

Park at the parking lot on the north side of Baseline rd W, just east of Spry Ave.

Bowmanville Creek at Spry Ave/Baseline Rd W: 43°53'59.39"N 78°41'3.00"W
I believe everyone deserves a chance at catching fish.
where's a good spot at bronte would i fish at?
no harbour/pier fishing anymore for me T-T
no luck there