Ontario Bass Opener Contest

Ontario Fishing Forums

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ITS OPEN!!!!!! Good Luck Everyone, dont forget your cameras and tape measures etc. We have Lots of great prizes for everyone. Nitro Lures has also jumped in with a dozen spinnerbaits and crankbaits as well.

After you all go out there and catch all the HOGS dont forget to email your pictures to [email protected] TOP 3 Limits get a prize and TOP 3 Big fish get a prize as well. i hope to have all the winners posted sunday evening.

DONT FORGET, we have a kids category, top 5 kids get a prize based on big fish. The biggest fish in the kids category wins a day out on Lake St Clair (with guardian) with Andy Copland of Just Fish Guide Service!!!!!!!

HAVE FUN and catch some PIGS
I really wished I caught enough to enter the contest. Caught numerous bass on the opener, but none of them were the quality you'd enter in a contest :wink: