Opener For Boys and I

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
Our first opener is in the books and we had a great time with lots of fun and fish. My oldest son went out Friday at 6:30 to stake claim to a previously scouted out location while my youngest and I went to another scouted out area that until opener had been holding lots of fish. Well opening morning the eldest son was tagging fish while other son and I where on the search for the fish that weren't Ended up going north to meet up with son and we where on the fish. All kinds of fish and just enough action to keep us interested and not move around. Was amazed at the amount of people out, not as many as I would have thought, and the schools of fish!! My oldest managed his first ever on a fly rod and ended up catching 25 total 19 with the fly rod, I got two on the fly rod and managed 18 fish while my youngster got 10 fish five of which he caught on his big brothers centrepin setup. Fish where caught on a huge assortment of baits, one bait in particular stood out for my youngest. He had caught a sucker a week earlier and it was spewing eggs so he grabbed a bag and got enough for 25 sacks. Well on the lower end of creek where we had seen lots of suckers that roe was magical, he caught three on it but missed numerous fish and I caught one on it as well, funny though as the fish further north wouldn't even sniff it. Was an amazing weekend with lots of memories, hope everyone else had a fun time on the water.
Big, next time i'm out with the fly, i will pm you. had a blast on the opener on an east trib as well. but I usually go out in the afternoon. it was surpisingly less crowded this year.