Oshawa Creek (south of 401)

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Apr 18, 2012
Spent the last 2 days fishing in the oshawa creek. I caught nothing the first day. Second day was better. I apologize for mentioning the spots in my previous posts. As a newb i have a lot to learn. THanks for the eye opener
Although Oshawa Creek is a zoo.. this post probably just increased the amount of fishermen you will see this weekend by 10 fold.
" let people find the spots on their own its part of the fun and if they are not willing to put in the leg work to find them good but dont just give them out next time."

Some Good Advise here.
Easy now, he is new to the forum(only 2 posts) so he clearly didnt know the mistake he made. Whitbyfisherman I suggest you edit your post to exclude the exact location as this type of thing can get people pretty upset around here.

Live and learn.
its beef here again didnt mean to be so harsh but come on use your brains, nado you are right maybe i was a little agressive lol but hay i learnt the same way telling people where i fished and next time i showed up all of toronto was there hopefully whitby fisherman learns from this :cool:
hopefully he will come and log on soon to change his post before all of Toronto googles where to fish and finds his spot.
Makes sense, the cnr bridge on that creek is fairly high compared to other tribs making it a good choice at the moment. Whitbyfisherman probably didn't know people cum here for that kind of info.
Glad I noted these spots down before the post was cleaned.. :grin: Guess where I will be tomorrow morning :twisted:
The post wasn't cleaned until just now, when I deleted the text I quoted.

I was there today with a red back pack and blue rod, shout out if you saw me! The spots mentioned were full but I was able to find my own pool with fish that weren't spooked.

I wouldn't dare go on the weekend... :p
I think its good that whitbyfisherman mentioned the spot..
So then everybody will go there and I could have my favorite spots all by myself.. all day long.. :grin:
I don't know but I like seeing bunch of fisherman hanging around one spot... that means I could fish rest of the spots crowd free..isn't it??
But I will never post any spots here.. i know its against the rule here and you guys scare me too much.. :p (probably its not as good as your secret spots anyways)
Good luck fishing whitbyfisherman!!
I don't know but I like seeing bunch of fisherman hanging around one spot... that means I could fish rest of the spots crowd free..isn't it??

I see it a lot during the salmon runs. Like 30 guys in one spot having fish run into their lines. But little do they know the entire river is full of stress-free fish :grin:
I see it a lot during the salmon runs. Like 30 guys in one spot having fish run into their lines. But little do they know the entire river is full of stress-free fish :grin:

Bang on, remember to walk your tribs on a nice clear-water day and take note of the pools.
I guess i messed up by posting the spots. I thought everyone knew about them. Anyway, Mudd lake is just as good. Good fishing there and not far if you live in Durham
Anyway, Mudd lake is just as good. Good fishing there and not far if you live in Durham

Mud Lake = Pan fish (all of the types), cat fish, giant goldfish

It's private, and who knows what kind of chemicals have been dumped in it? I would say eating perch or crappie out of there is risky at best.

Fun place to watch hawks diving after fish. The fish are so plentiful in there, you can pull them in one after another using just a bare hook presentation. It has a good turtle population as well. Nice sunsets there too.

The property on the lake is for sale for $1M+.
Spent the last 2 days fishing in the oshawa creek. I caught nothing the first day. Second day was better. I apologize for mentioning the spots in my previous posts. As a newb i have a lot to learn. THanks for the eye opener

Your intitial efforts (First post) came across to me as someone wanting to share some good news.
No worries!

The "Trout Mafia" (*SMILES*) can be kind of sensitive.
I dont blame them. - The resource is precious and alot of the guys get rather over protective.

For every day you get some production at a hole with 30+ guys ... bravo on you!
MOST of the TIME .... it's the "Off the beated tracks" (Lots of ground work and scouting.... many days of being skunked - but leaning the river) that leads to RESULTS when the rest of the crowds are getting skunked.

More fishermen does not lead to LESS FISH
A good attitude shared by all .... leads to more fish for everyone to enjoy.

Never feel bad about sharing a positive experience with us on the board.

We all love to fish!