pflueger president

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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2012
Hey guys just ordered up a new pflueger president which im patiently waiting to arrive from bass pro. I picked the 6935 model. I wasnt really sure whicch one to get bit whatever. I fished with trilene armor coated last year and didnt have any issues.. But im looking to try another kind of line possibly braided. Any recommendations would be appreciated
I'd go with powerpro, I've tried both spiderwire and suffix and like this stuff better. What type of fishing are u doing with this reel? 15-20 pound braid would be good for most types of fishing
I'm not sold on power pro myself.. I spooled up 3 reels with it last summer and had nothing but trouble.. Had 50lb for flipping in the slick..30lb in slick and yellow high vis.. All garbage.. The high vis was the best of all three but I'll never buy it again.. Had trouble with it breaking time on a hook set.

I'm sure someone on here will blame me and say the line must have been frayed or something like that.. Anyways.. Back to spiderwire stealth ..just my opinion :)

For smallies tho I'd be using fluorocarbon .. Depending on water clarity where you fish
I've got a 6930 with 10lb regular Power Pro. They say the reels are 'braid ready' but I still filled the first 25% of the spool with mono backing to save some braided line.
Ok I am tempted to try braid but just remember the birds nest my buddy got last year. Are they more prone to happen in baitcasters? Also could anyone possibly explain the diffference between the models?! I hope iI didnt get the wrong model to what I need it for
it's the size of the reel, and amount of line it holds primarily. 6920 6925 6930 6935 and I think it goes up to 6940. You can look at them on any tackle site (BPS, Tacklewarehouse) to get the specs on each and you'll see they are heavier as they get bigger, and hold more line. I got the 30 after holding them all and pairing them to the rod I was going to be putting it on Different reel companies use different sizes. I used to get a lot more bird nest and problems with line on my reel with mono.I rarely if ever have problems now with braid, but that also could be attributed to being more careful with manually closing the bail, keeping line tight, checking constantly etc.
20lbs power pro slick and use a fluoro leader for smallies.
I use a bunch of different power pro braid ratings and have not had any problems.
For smallies cranking I use 10-12 lbs mono suffix siege because of the stretch. For flipping I never use the slick, you want the original so the abrasive line will cut weeds up. Fluoro is also good for cranking but I like it on my drop shot because it sinks nicely. I would suggest seaguar for fluorocarbon, power pro original for baitcasters and suffix siege for mono
Thanks guys , I actually decided to go with what I have been using and havnt had an issue . The trilene xl smooth casting. Ive caught many bass and acouple decent lunkers and havnt lost one . This time I went up to 10 pd tho. Also the president is amazing so smooth and I love the handle waiting for bass season to really put it to the test!!!
I have been using Power Pro for a while with no problems but going to try Sufix 832 on my newly purchased reel.
I've heard of issues with Power Pro purchased online, apparently lots of counterfeit stuff out there.
Buy from a reputable retailer like Bass Pro, Sail or LeBaron and you should be fine.
Using 10lb mono on a baitcaster IMO dosent leave you a lot of room strength wise to compensate for throwing baits into the wind,heavey hook sets and manageing slop after a fish hits.
Depends on what kind of fishing your doing.
I throw a lot of spinnerbaits that require a rather heavey hookset once the fish take the bait.
Time will tell what works for you.
It may cost you a few fish and some tackle to get to a good fit.
The draq smoothness and ease of adjustment on levelwinds is hard to beat.
I like and use abu garcia and quantum reels.
Pfluegar have a nice line of reels and I would like to try one or two.
After all can you ever have enough reels!!
just curious. with all these 20lb lines you guys are using. those are big fish you guys are targeting. if you want to save up some money. trilene big game mono. they have it from 4lb to 25lb. no issues...I use 6lb trilene big game as leader for salmon fishing...holds up pretty good. they won't call it "big game" for nothin....
I have been using big game 15lb for a few years now on my levelwind reels
.Have been a trilene xt guy for years before that.
Switched because of ease of availability and better price for bulk spools.
Fishing the Ottawa and Rideau rivers requirres heavy line as slop and slop removeal is part of every cast.
Fish control is key to landing even the little guys in heavy weed cover.
Have not fished braid other than my muskie outfit and thats 80lb power pro.
I can understand the need for it for some technics.