Pike Fishing

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Mar 2, 2011
Hey everyone....
I was wondering whats your guys favorite lure for pike fishing???
Hey everyone....
I was wondering whats your guys favorite lure for pike fishing???

Southern Ontario (especially around Toronto): Husky Jerk in Fire Tiger, Five of Diamonds Spoons, Big ass bucktail Spinners and spinner baits in just about any colour, but red and black are pretty killer. Top water lures like hoola poppers are great early in the morning when the weather is warm.

Northern Ontario: Big jigs, Spinners, Spoons, Husky Jerks and just about anything else that looks tasty. Big lures = big fish, but you'd be surprised the bass and walleye you can catch on a 7" musky or pike spinner. If you're really far north on a lake with minimal fishing pressure you can catch pike on just about anything. I've had pretty good luck in rivers like the Madawaska with 3" and 4" powerbait walleye grubs. You won't catch huge fish, but you'll catch plenty with a decent amount of bass and walleye on the side for lunch.

One more thing, if you're fishing during ice out and early spring and getting a lot of follows but no hook ups on spoons or rapala's, try switching to a power bait or Mr. twister style jig. Drop it right in their faces and just leave it there, pike like an easy meal.

In short I love jigs, 4inch white powerbait walleye grubs have been the most successful. Spinners and Spinnerbaits would be a close second