pike report march.23.12 :D

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
It was a beautiful day on Thursday, temp was right, time was right and the bite was on. Was out with the wife and frends, fished from 2 - sunset. Caught this baby well over 30 inches, within the first hour, not much of a fight. Red and white spoon, slow retrieve, beauty fish!

Later in the afternoon I switched spots to another spot that usually produces for me when timed right, I actually was throwing my husky jerk and five of diamonds, my husky jerk got snagged, I ended up pulling and breaking the line and the lure floated to the top,so to get my lure back, I got rid of my leader which was broken, tied a jointed rapala Minnow to my line and tried to get mylure back.Afterseveral tries I got my jointed lure to hook my floating lure lol....so I thouht let's Juet fish this n see Wat happens, these things got some action, first cast out, slow retrieve and few jerks, boom! Fishon! ... This fish was smaller than the first, about 28 inches but wow was it strong!!...took me less than a minute to bring itin. Myfriendactually got it on vid, maybe Il post that up too.

it was an Awsum day, and I might start fishing without leaders, both fish were cauught without leaders, bigger one on 15 lb braid. Oh ya I had a third fish on that got away, when I was fishing with a leader.
Great catches. Did you release or keep them? Thanks for the report and sharing.

Great to read you got your lure back. I'd rather lose a fish then lose a lure, fish can be caught again for free, these days lures cost too much. :blink:
Awsome catches!! Glad to see they are biting again. They are looking fat with eggs. I was going to go Thursday but ended up having to work late. We went out yesterday for an hour and my husband had one bite but couldn't hook up. Saw another small one being caught over on east shore. You may want to try the flurocarbon leader because pike's teeth are known for cutting braid quite easily. Maybe okay without if you have a net to land them.
Really good REPORT!


My go too lures for pike are:

-Mepps, Panther Martin #5 (Gold or Silver)

- Big Rapala

- Large Spoons

When static fishing: I use minnows hanging about 1ft or 2 off the bottom under a float.

I have not used a leader in about 15 years. (Only lost 1-2 pike do to this)

Hope you get out more and have some great days!
Thanks for sharing the Report and Awesome Pictures.
Well,looks as if Pike is crazy for u.LOL.

Keep up the momentum and posting pistures. Good Luck.
I have had 2 pike strikes in the last year and I lost my lure both times. Once when I was bass top-water fishing with straight 10lb mono - he must have inhaled it because just as I pulled to set the hook he turned and w he was gone. I lost the other one yesterday with a 12 lb fluorocarbon leader.

I feel badly for the pike, which I'm sure can't survive with a Jitterbug or an X-Rap stuck somewhere in its throat. If I lose another one I'm going to have to give up fishing for pike. It wouldn't be right. I switched to 15lb fluoro. I'm being very careful with my knots. I'm going to slow down my retrieve. I carry a net, pliers and a mat.

If you have any tips, please share.

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