Port Credit: Salmon “pier” fishing tips for noobs

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You can use your boat at Port Credit. If things are slow, which they are right now, I recommend trying your boat over at the Marina by the Ridgetown.

As far as the lures, yes, it's just cast and retrieve. You never, and I mean 'never' use any kind of float with a spoon under any circumstances. The act of reeling the lure in will keep it off the bottom.
When they're within casting range, the water is not very deep to begin with. So, when they're feeding near shore, they will see your lure near the surface and chase it. Depth is generally a non-factor in this scenario.
I think there are a lot of smallies feeding during same time.

Also, looking at a satellite image gives you a general idea of the mud line.

Also, when fishing on fire... you are better off at going to Bronte as it is significantly narrower.. meaning more concentration of fish.
fished ashbridges sept 06 2am until 6:30 am the alewives (baitfish) were thick 4ft deep 50ft x 50 ft school
i was casting cleos (glow) ,j13's, williams 60 spoons
follows from fresh water drum, common carp
surprised no pike
may have had two hits by salmon but am gonna dismiss them to the drum and carp
i believe the salmon are not there.... but would love to hear someone catch one.
i was the only one out....no other old timers.

last week i tried humber mouth ...nothing from 8 pm until midnight
tried humber park...only fresh water drum
tried mimcoe creek mouth and had several salmon jumping
went back another night and saw nothing
at the toronto islands the salmon have been jumping at the eastern gap (wards) as it extends south into harbour.
this area is very difficult to get to as its out of bounds fenced off...if you got a boat..different story
thats my extent of exploration this year
Tangled, I was at Ashbridges on the 3rd of Sept and also blanked.
Was casting Cleos and J-13's.
There was surface activity in the distance. Whether they were the target species is not certain.
Baitfish galore.

There was also not a single person fishing. Lots of people filming a show/movie at the beach though.

I'd say about half of the salmons being caught is very fresh and silvery. (as seen today).
Seen a nice trout being caught aswell.

This morning I went 2/4. 1 nice size trout & a slightly small salmon. Lucky lure of the day was five of diamonds spoon for me.
I'll be going on Saturday morning to give it a shot, I don't own any j-13s or little cleos, but I do have a few spoons that I can try out.
Give it a shot, you don't necessarily need cleos or J13s, as MikeyMikey just demonstrated.

I would just try your brightest spoons.

(I've also caught them on other crankbaits like smithwicks etc...)
(...and other spoons like cyclops)
MikeyMikey said:

I'd say about half of the salmons being caught is very fresh and silvery. (as seen today).
Seen a nice trout being caught aswell.

This morning I went 2/4. 1 nice size trout & a slightly small salmon. Lucky lure of the day was five of diamonds spoon for me.

Nice job on the good old 5 of diamonds!

Hey, that's good news about the fresh fish being caught. All the fish I've seen over the past few days have been dark, but now with silver fish being caught this morning, means a new batch of fish have come into the mouth. Yay, more fish! :shock:
MikeyMikey said:

I'd say about half of the salmons being caught is very fresh and silvery. (as seen today).
Seen a nice trout being caught aswell.

This morning I went 2/4. 1 nice size trout & a slightly small salmon. Lucky lure of the day was five of diamonds spoon for me.

Where u there Monday morning? I saved u a spot LOL.
I saw some decent action that morning two cohos and some bright silver salmon.
Broke the darn 2 year skunk with a 20 lb female on a Orange J13. What a rush. Funny they seemed to want the rapalas that day. I usually do not use the J13 and that was going to be my last lure change before I headed home

jc53 said:
MikeyMikey said:

I'd say about half of the salmons being caught is very fresh and silvery. (as seen today).
Seen a nice trout being caught aswell.

This morning I went 2/4. 1 nice size trout & a slightly small salmon. Lucky lure of the day was five of diamonds spoon for me.

Where u there Monday morning? I saved u a spot LOL.
I saw some decent action that morning two cohos and some bright silver salmon.
Broke the darn 2 year skunk with a 20 lb female on a Orange J13. What a rush. Funny they seemed to want the rapalas that day. I usually do not use the J13 and that was going to be my last lure change before I headed home


Yes I was but I left around 8am. It wasn't too chill or cold or anything but i totally didn't dress properly. heck, i already sleep with my winter blankets.
But to be honest... I totally couldn't remember how you looked like. sorry.

Maybe next time, but i can't fish sundays mornings like i used to before... likely mon morning only.

Glad you caught a fish on J13. Usually all fish caught with J13 is BiG FisH. HOpe to see u next time.
( THIS MORNING IN PORT CREDIT) my 1st salmon in my life its 16pound im new here in canada and i got my 1st salmon in port credit if someone here fishing in port credit let me know tomorrow ill go fishing again lets meet and fishing together im fishing in the mouth of port credit river thanks to bro openfire it help me a lot.. thanks i cought this with my daiwa shock with 20lbs line mono its poor equipment but i think i work and i use bright green crocodile spoon and it works!!! have fun guys :shock:
Oh dude,,, I think I remember seeing you there.

When I arrived there... I saw a guy fishing without the shoe! I think it was wet. Was that you ?
I don't remember seeing any landed fish around you, maybe you caught it after I left or something.

Anyways,,, that salmon is welcome to canada gift from lake ontario :shock:

I am not sure if it was the overcast weather today with north wind but... plenty of salmons were being caught through out the entire AM hours.

Tip: J13 - Big Fish Lure.

ps. i sure wasn't having much fun the entire time I stayed there until this guy shows up to fish right next to me just to catch a salmon only after few casts. that sure made my end of the day sucked even more. plus he had like 6'6" rod cast no more than 30 ft or so too.
@ mickey mickey yeah its me that is yesterday, i got fall because one of near cought a salmon and they have a very nice fight and he lost it :shock: i fall in the water i wet my shoes lol bwahahahaha thanks bros for welcoming me here in canada i hope someday we can see each other in port credit or in credit river thanks again :shock:
you are lucky to just slip and wet the shoe.

those green slimed rocks are very slippery and you could have injured yourself.

next time, don't even bother stepping on those rocks.
yeah its true thats why im fishing now with dry rocks and flat i dont want put my feet again in those rock and im so lucky my rod not broke thanks bro i hope we can see in port credit ciao :shock: