Port Credit: Salmon “pier” fishing tips for noobs

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TheSkyIsBlue said:
In the article, it says that he's caught salmon from mid july to mid september. So would it be a good idea to head out at 3:00 tomorrow morning?
Go for it, They will be moving in and feeding already. It might not be the peak of the season but salmon will be around this early.
Thanks for the advice you guys!

I pulled the trigger on the Stradic 4000.

Now I gotta pull the trigger on a rod...
You have a St Croix 9 ft from your videos?
Fishheads said:
Go for it, They will be moving in and feeding already. It might not be the peak of the season but salmon will be around this early.
Out there for sure Browns, Atlantics and from what I saw today Coho's
Was out there this evening just for a stroll, when a guy hooked into a big fish. It looked like a cross between a pike, carp, and salmon. Whatever it was, it really wasn't fighting, but it had to bexplain a good 15 lbs and 40 in long. But he didn't have net, and with the waves, he couldn't land it. Just goes to show everyone, that if you're going to head to a place where you clearly cannot step in the water to land a big fish, you need to bring a sufficient net! It might just save you some fish.
Well it's warm. I was wondering how spoon chucking in the winter would fare for some rainbows? Wuddya'll think?
Going to be arriving in port hope on saturday morning to fish salmon! Very excited its been a long time since ive fished salmon. My question is i know alot of zones close friday, im wondering if anyone can turn me onto some spot ideas within the legal areas. Aka after the cn bridge from what i have heard. Going to be catch and realease, i do it for the thrill! Thanks.for the help.in advance
Creghead said:
I know it's probably too early, but is anything happening at Port Credit this time of year?
nothing happen in port credit am been trying for couple of days now still too early water is high and too murky maybe 2 week of august i have a feeling we will have early run this year water is starting to get cold even in erindale park
ex0or said:
nothing happen in port credit am been trying for couple of days now still too early water is high and too murky maybe 2 week of august i have a feeling we will have early run this year water is starting to get cold even in erindale park
I been hearing mixed reports of fish close in at night out east. Like on the piers I also think this year salmon will be early.been too wet and not that hot this year.
Hello everyone! I was at Port Credit last Thursday and I landed a 14lb chinook salmon around 6am. Been there a few other times, 4:44am - 8am and 8pm-midnight with no luck, for me and people beside me...


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DiogoGB said:
Hello everyone! I was at Port Credit last Thursday and I landed a 14lb chinook salmon around 6am. Been there a few other times, 4:44am - 8am and 8pm-midnight with no luck, for me and people beside me...
You shouldn't name places and post pictures like that... The pier will become more crowded then the EX!