Port hope noob

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Sep 29, 2016
Going to be arriving in port hope on saturday morning to fish salmon! Very excited its been a long time since ive fished salmon. My question is i know alot of zones close friday, im wondering if anyone can turn me onto some spot ideas within the legal areas. Aka after the cn bridge from what i have heard. Going to be catch and realease, i do it for the thrill! Thanks.for the help.in advance
Wherever you can squeeze in. Expect to see massive crowds, with the season closing upstream all the yahoos will be rammed into the open section along with everyone else that normally fishes that stretch. Anywhere from the bridge all the way down to lake you can get fish.
Unfortunately depending on where you go you can expect to see people. Try the smaller creeks around main creeks - they may work!
Most of the smaller creeks and tubs have fish right now. Port Hope is a zoo, I can't bring myself to fish it with the crowds they are getting. Try Tribs west and east but stay below HWY2. Some smaller ones to the east of Port Hope are closed totally. Check the regs
best advice on port hope, stay away, will nothing but frustrations and not a pleasant day at all. not to mention, the open away for salmon is very short. go further west