Port Hope Says Enough is Enough

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Something needs to be done. And something is better than nothing.

I agree, greater enforcement is needed as the root cause. Sancuary just means they will all go else where. Heavy tickets and fines might make them think.

Turning the rapids into a sanctuary is like saying its OK to go rob a Bank, but we are going to board up all Scotia Banks... so you must go rob RBC or TD banks etc. (other locations to conduct your illegal activity)
FrequentFlyer said:
1) The difference is huge, the salmon you see stripped of roe have their bellies split and left for dead, so one looks like it is sleeping, and the other looks like a murder scene? even the males since some people can't tell the difference, when they are caught at the mouth of a river and are fresh in, this is illegal since you allowing the meat to spoil, regardless of whether the food guide says is safe to consume or not, you are still leaving a perfectly good fish to rot. if a fish is toxic to eat, it is toxic to eat. it doesn't matter if it is dime bright.

Possession limit is 5 on a sport licence, 2 on a conservation, possession limit includes roe as a single fish, so a person strips 5 fish a day for 3 days, they are OVER their possession limit by 10 fish. You may only have 5 salmon in your possession at any one time, if you consume one, you can then keep one more. it's not what you know; but what you can prove. who's to say that peeps have been partying hard and eating caviar by the spoon full like rockstars?. .

The problem here is, the angling methods people are using, and blatantly over their lmits, also some don't even have a licence to fish, so what gives them the right to fish our (seriously????)waters to begin with? no argument from me here on the points pertaining to angling.

The roe that is bought in store is harvested in a way that does not kill a fish. is it? my belief was that a mature hen dies after dropping her eggs.

Yes, the fish are eventually going to die, but that is besides the point. If you can't figure that out, then you are part of the problem. i do believe that the salmon are a hatchery based fish, with weak returns from successful spawning. if this is the case, then the salmon are a true put and take fishery.

2) True, the english and French settlers took advantage of a fishery, and almost killed it, this was LONG LONG LONG before any regulations were put in place. They also worked to restore and rebuild the fishery that we have now. a this new fishery is far and removed from the original state that it once was.
Its still safe to eat in small quantities, therefore it is illegal to allow the meat to spoil.

whether or not you've been eating it all night, its still a maximum of 5 fish in possession, and thats an aggragate between steelhead, brown, specs, and salmon

yes, the mature salmon will die after spawning, but whos to say people are buying and using salmon roe, and not trout roe?

most of the eastern ditches are majority wild fish, most of the stocking occurs west of Toronto, and since they return to where they were released/born I know the Ganny is very high for wild fish, think steelhead are greater than 95% salmon are high as well, according to the Fish Ladder guys.

While the settlers may have ruined the original fishery here, you have to admit, they've done a hell of a good job rebuilding it and giving a world class fishery, though its not native fish, its still a damned good one

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Posted Yesterday, 12:06 PM

NADO, on 21 Sept 2015 - 10:37 AM, said:
NADO said:
theres always excitement to be had out in the ditches. Imagine stumbling upon a group of guys using these in the middle of the night......
tell me about it...there are cars parked 11pm...and in the morning....fresh new braided lines scatter all over the place in the morning....Saw a kid with gopro threaten to report a couple of guys trying to take home a foul hooked salmon. They were out faster than Lindsay Lohan in an AA meeting...

this is by far the best solution for this problem. most of us have a smartphone or GoPro these days. imagine the drop in the number of snaggers/poachers if they knew that they were being recorded and were going to have the video posted to the internet under a single Youtube channel? video of their faces, number of fish in possession, and a shot of the vehicle they used to get there. people for the most part are uncomfortable with a camera pointed at them during the best of times. they really don't like it when they are breaking the law.

remember this guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzdesfXfaTYthink of what happened too him with a nice multiplier added.

if you want the MNR to do anything, you need to stick it in their face that they aren't doing very much in the first place. if the MNR still refuses to act, then public shaming is basically all that is left as an effective tool.
Until one day, you stumble on a crazy dude, and things turn ugly ...
Immediate no.
But it seems like the competent authorities are working on the topic. I invite you to read the initial message from FrequentFlyer.

At the end it might still not solve the issue, especially not for other rivers since in this case it's for the Ganny.

But encouraging shaming and street justice is not a good solution.
Perhaps, some provinces have some interesting solutions. We are not the only ones to have Salmon...
Public shaming is never a good thing. You will only make enemies. Having enemies that has the same hobby as you is dangerous. I have witnessed a lot of skirmishes in the waters....You may have the upper hand one day...you could be alone the other day and the other guy is with his groups...Don't be tough guys in the water...Just secretly call MNR if you saw illegal activities...clench your buttcheeks hoping they show up....
Illegal fishing aside, its not the main problem Port Hope is having, its the disregard for the river itself, the trash, the fish carcasses discarded everywhere, the lines and hooks left on the shore where wildlife and many people walk. disposal of carcasses in portapotties. Port Hope is sick and tired of it, and since it happens right in their downtown core, and they are considered a tourist town, it affects them greatly
FrequentFlyer said:
Illegal fishing aside, its not the main problem Port Hope is having, its the disregard for the river itself, the trash, the fish carcasses discarded everywhere, the lines and hooks left on the shore where wildlife and many people walk. disposal of carcasses in portapotties. Port Hope is sick and tired of it, and since it happens right in their downtown core, and they are considered a tourist town, it affects them greatly
Yeah...this in very true. Very unfortunate for Port Hope. I have seen it look like a 24 hour party bender just ended.
would this annual rite not be included as part of the annual tourist trade? as nasty as it is; is it not the last kick at the can for summer tourism $$$$$?

oh,,,, don't expect any solution to this problem far at least the next 2-3 yrs. it will take that long for the town and the MNR to finally decide who is going to fix this problem. this season is almost over, and this will become a back-burner issue til next season.
DILLIGAF?! said:
Public shaming is never a good thing. You will only make enemies. Having enemies that has the same hobby as you is dangerous. I have witnessed a lot of skirmishes in the waters....You may have the upper hand one day...you could be alone the other day and the other guy is with his groups...Don't be tough guys in the water...Just secretly call MNR if you saw illegal activities...clench your buttcheeks hoping they show up....
code fish, code fish; lights and sirens required; someone is snagging fish. the hero shows up and saves the day...........

this is the illusion that people have as to the reaction time of CO's. the snaggers know this as well.

the one thing that we'll never have access to, is the percentage of these calls that are answered, and those that lead to a fine or other penalty. in other words,,,,,,,, people will never know that law enforcement is a joke, purely an

and the beat goes on................
artimus001 said:
would this annual rite not be included as part of the annual tourist trade? as nasty as it is; is it not the last kick at the can for summer tourism $$$$$?

oh,,,, don't expect any solution to this problem far at least the next 2-3 yrs. it will take that long for the town and the MNR to finally decide who is going to fix this problem. this season is almost over, and this will become a back-burner issue til next season.

you would like to think that it would be, but its not, most of these people are only there to fish and very rarely visit the local shops
FrequentFlyer said:
you would like to think that it would be, but its not, most of these people are only there to fish and very rarely visit the local shops
gas, food and accommodation is a major factor where the money from tourism is made.

what are the summer tourist trapping for Port Hope? marina, beach, kichy shops? what is the draw for the town after Labour Day?
artimus001 said:
gas, food and accommodation is a major factor where the money from tourism is made.

what are the summer tourist trapping for Port Hope? marina, beach, kichy shops? what is the draw for the town after Labour Day?

the steelhead fisherman in the spring, yes. the motel in welcome is jammed full on opener, these people for the fall salmon, not so much, maybe the odd one, but they are just there for the fish. they may stop at mcdonalds, or a taco bell, or tims, but thats about it
FrequentFlyer said:
the steelhead fisherman in the spring, yes. the motel in welcome is jammed full on opener, these people for the fall salmon, not so much, maybe the odd one, but they are just there for the fish. they may stop at mcdonalds, or a taco bell, or tims, but thats about it
I don't fish port hope for salmon in the river and haven't for years. But I regularily stop for gas, lunch and coffees when steelheading, or passing through to Bewdley to fish rice lake, or fish the big lake out of PH. If I'm towing the boat, I often am topping off the tank there as well. Multiply that by hundreds or even thousands of visitors at even half the amount I and my fishing buddy might drop passing through, and it's a significant amount of money to the local economy. When we go on our spring pickerel trip, we often stop in PH for groceries as well. Never mind all the salmon boats during the summer. PH benefits a lot from the local fishery, make no mistake. Their town council would be wise to take that into account. The fish will still die in the river, and the river will still stink. And they will still have to deal with it.
artimus001 said:
would this annual rite not be included as part of the annual tourist trade? as nasty as it is; is it not the last kick at the can for summer tourism $$$$$?

oh,,,, don't expect any solution to this problem far at least the next 2-3 yrs. it will take that long for the town and the MNR to finally decide who is going to fix this problem. this season is almost over, and this will become a back-burner issue til next season.
Not really. I've been in some of the nastiest event a year ago. Tourism promotes an event where you have people booking accommodations restaurants, shops and enjoy the scenery. Trust me, you wouldn't want to book a hotel bring your family to witness what I saw there. As a debate I had with an angler friend, I told him, don't just isolate the problem with salmon carcasses...it's the total garbage that people neglect to clean up behind them. Fishing lines, split shots, lure packages, broken bobbers, coffee cups...I'm not gonna drive from GTA to PH for that...
This has been going on for ages. It's a new issue for new steelheaders. The same thing has been going on for 20 years or more. It's no better, no worse. Same with steelhead opener on the ganny. Whenever you have shallow water, with copious amounts of fish, and a bunch of 5 day a year fishermen, this will happen. It happened in the pre-Internet days as well.
FrequentFlyer said:
the steelhead fisherman in the spring, yes. the motel in welcome is jammed full on opener, these people for the fall salmon, not so much, maybe the odd one, but they are just there for the fish. they may stop at mcdonalds, or a taco bell, or tims, but thats about it
DILLIGAF?! said:
Not really. I've been in some of the nastiest event a year ago. Tourism promotes an event where you have people booking accommodations restaurants, shops and enjoy the scenery. Trust me, you wouldn't want to book a hotel bring your family to witness what I saw there. As a debate I had with an angler friend, I told him, don't just isolate the problem with salmon carcasses...it's the total garbage that people neglect to clean up behind them. Fishing lines, split shots, lure packages, broken bobbers, coffee cups...I'm not gonna drive from GTA to PH for that...
any outside dollar spent in town is a dollar spent.

river garbage is a problem everywhere; whether the river is large and popular, or otherwise. there is a very busy section of the Thames in London that i like to fish. it is very close to the core and attracts some of the more 'colourful' people in London. it is always a pig sty. i'm talking coffee cups, fishing junk, alcohol containers and USED NEEDLES. there is a garbage can and needle bin no more then 25m from the waters edge. i do my part, before i even wet my line. i've walked sections of river km from anything, i still find garbage, and i still pack it out.

at the very least the town should have bins available to dump the carcasses into.

Porkpie said:
This has been going on for ages. It's a new issue for new steelheaders. The same thing has been going on for 20 years or more. It's no better, no worse. Same with steelhead opener on the ganny. Whenever you have shallow water, with copious amounts of fish, and a bunch of 5 day a year fishermen, this will happen. It happened in the pre-Internet days as well.
yup. this story is as old as the day is long.....

law enforcement by the MNR is a total joke, and an illusion. the only ones that really think that it works; are the licensed anglers that get tagged, and share the experience online. "i was checked twice last year, so that means that they are out there", blab. law enforcement types also troll the net pushing the, 'call the cops, don't get involved', shtick.it helps to protect their jobs, and maintains that the world is a scary place that they can only protect us from.

the only that that has changed in the past 20 yrs, is the amount of technology we have at our finger tips. we all have the internet, and most of us have video camera of one sort or another in our pockets. it's a shame that people don't realize how power they have. everyone has had the fear that the world is a very dangerous place, they don't get involved, and use their cameras. all you have to do is watch the news or surf the net to witness this power in action, of citizens taping the actions of another. being taped and having that vid shared with the WHOLE world is a powerful thing. an average citizen armed with a camera can be a powerful thing; when citizens work together, they can be unstoppable.

what i would do if this was my neck of the woods...........

i would get together with 2 or three of my buddies and take the day off from fishing one day. some of my buds are big and tough; most are not, some might be women. two of my friends would go to the dollar store and buy some clown face paint and a clown wig. my other buddy thinks he's a superhero, so he'd wear his Batman costume. me,,,, i'm allergic to face paint, and cheap, so i'd just wear my fishing buff and a pair of sunglasses. with smartphones, HD vid camera and a Goprosin hand we go fishing; fishing for snaggers. with empty memory cards, and full battaries we'd head down to the river for hopefully some fun. NOBODY WILL MESS WITH A COUPLE OF CLOWNS AND BATMAN!!!! just think how many other cameras (by other citizens) will get turned on when this crew is down by the river, LOL. we start right in the center of town, and start taping everything. you think snaggers run when they see a warden, watch them jump the banks when they see clowns, and superheros with cameras heading thier way lol!!!

multiple cameras, reduces the possiblity of physical altercation. protecting our identities eliminates the possibilty of a physical altercation in the future.

i would then post the videos to YOUtube and send links and copies to the MNR and the media. nobody likes to be put in the spotlight and called out in a public forum. snaggers will run for the hills, and those in power will be forced to act,,,,,, hopefully.

i know that if i did this a couple of times, i don't think i'd be having any problems with 5 day a year snaggers on my homewaters or in my town.

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