port stanley pier fishing

Ontario Fishing Forums

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You can only fish the harbour,the pier is off limits. They stocked steelhead in the little creek by the golf course in the past , so you may be able to catch one. I don't think that there is a very large run, but spoons and spinners should work. Catfish creek by Sparta may be another possibility.
They are most likely fishing for perch or catfish. I really don't believe they catch many steelhead there.
have u ever been to fish hatchary there on thomas road?

what sucks about this part of ontario is that if you dont have a boat your not gonna fish much. yes we have erie but u need a boat and u cant really fish from the beach lol!.
No I have never been to the Port Stanley hatchery,and I've never fished the silos. I fish tributaries of Lake Huron for steelhead in the spring and fall. There are a few Erie tributaries near Delhi that host runs of steelhead.