PowerPro, $10.99 at Gagnons until Sunday

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Sep 1, 2010
There is a huge sale at Gagnons Sports in Oshawa until Sunday. One of the things that caught my eye was the PowerPro line they had on for $10.99. If you happen to be in or passing by Oshawa this weekend, check it out!
openfire said:
There is a huge sale at Gagnons Sports in Oshawa until Sunday. One of the things that caught my eye was the PowerPro line they had on for $10.99. If you happen to be in or passing by Oshawa this weekend, check it out!

Gag... what?
Where the heck is that ?
Of all the people you didn't use google map ???
Google Map Location Please. Thanks. Btw... do they have Red PowerPro too ?
Sorry, I assumed everyone knows about Gagnon's...

Red? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ You better call them.
openfire said:
There is a huge sale at Gagnons Sports in Oshawa until Sunday. One of the things that caught my eye was the PowerPro line they had on for $10.99. If you happen to be in or passing by Oshawa this weekend, check it out!

Thats a litte too far for me do you know if they have other locations?
No, They just have the one location that I know of. If there's another one, I've never heard of it.
If anyone is interested Walmart has PowerPro red for 16.99. I know its not 10.99 but at least its 16.99 everyday.