pumped up for lakers

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Oh ya im am awaiting jan 1. For these Photo0198.jpg
heres one for the "lakers i caught " file....
OK before I try to post some pic of Brook trout I caught on the Moose hunting trip, I would like to post this statment so everyine KNOWs the facts first:

The first where caught from Oct 2nd to 11th, out of Chapmen Lake, Thunderbay Dis, Fishing zone 7
Now Brook trouts NORMAL season is Jan 1 to Labour day in Dis 7 BUT on Chapmen Lake they are open all Year with NO size limits on them, 5 fish, via the Fishing reg I think it page 35 in the (additional fishing block-Brook trout)

I post this in advance and to inform all so hopefully the flaming about the fact I WAS actively fishing for and keeping Brook trout in Early to mid Oct to a minimal.
The ice can't get here soon enough for me, I got all this new stuff for ice fishing and it needs to be used :lol:
fishing89 said:
Hmm, does simcoe have lakers?
check this out http://www.ontariofishingforums.com/forum/topic/19375-how-do-you-deal-with-a-mid-to-high-teens-laker-and-a-6-hole/

CanadianAngler87 said:
Nope no lakers haha, one redneck and I managed last season! Warning: This fish was kept for the table and wasnt handled for catch and release. Don't want to see dont watch.http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sGehC7QPXKo&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DsGehC7QPXKo#
that was a nice fish
CanadianAngler87 said:
Haha Rednecks guy behind the camera, thanks tho!
:lol: you put a warning on it and red still got labelled "ignorant" there's no wining here :lol: I don't think I could ever post a pic on a forum....I get too pissed off
klusownik said:
Loogan for keeping a fish? Are you kidding me? You're just being ignorant, He did nothing wrong.
haha im just joking around! i filmed that fish being caught and i killed a laker that day too lol
PDG said:
:lol: you put a warning on it and red still got labelled "ignorant" there's no wining here :lol: I don't think I could ever post a pic on a forum....I get too pissed off
yeah its pretty funny lol key is not to care!