Question on Lemon Flavoured Tackle

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May 17, 2010
Well, the title probably got your attention. Came across this forum and it looks like I can get some good advice.

I got back into the fishing world 2 years ago and managed to expand my fishing experience even more last year and plan on making a good go of it this summer. Definitely looking forward to it.

Anyways, pardon my stupidity, last summer I purchased one of those flavour pouches to cook with your fish. Lemon - Herb something or other. I left it in my tackle box for about 6 months, totally forgot it was in there. Opening my box for the first this year, phew! The smell is strong lemon-herb. Smelling the lures, they now give off a rampant smell of lemon too.

Is everything toast? or is there was way to clean it all? I tried scrubbing the box but it still stinks so I think I will just leave it open to freshen up the garage for now. My main concern is all of the tackle.

Looking forward to your suggestions.
Just a a pinch of J/K.

I had that happen to me, except it was with that juice that came with some fake salmon eggs. I'm sure the fish didn't mind, but I just about gagged everytime I opened my tackle box. I airred it out over a week and it was fine.

Don't know if it will work, but maybe try a mix of luke warm water and powerbait scent?
Thanks for the idea. This stuff is strong, but y garage is smelling great. I am going to turf all the rubber stuff and give your idea a go. Someone told me salt water might work as well for the metal stuff and lures. I am going to drop in at Bass Pro shop tomorrow on my way up to Soyers and reload with some newer stuff aimed for this weekend and will try to clean the rest.
Hey dutton. After I finish off a can of cream cheese, I save it so I can keep worms in there, but as you can imagine the smell of cheese is strong, and washing with soap doesn't work. I have a bottle of stuff called "Non Acid Creme Cleanser Blue" that does the trick. It's a bathroom cleaner, but it's not strongly corrosive like the others on the market. I also use it to clean my aquarium, gets all the algae off.
I had my box sit for a year after a lake trout trip. Remenants of salted minnows and black flies. Just about passed out when I opened the box. Some of the stuff was rusted. Had to toss a few things, but most was saved. Hot water, detergent and heavy on the liquid bleach and elbow grease. took care of the rest.
For any of your steel/metal lures...clean them with WD40!
The salmon trolling guys spray their spoons with WD for added scent,..and it catches!!
Salt water will rust them by the way.....
WD 40 like Disspatcher said.
Neighbor use to clean his with sugar water, then rinse them really good again afterwards with just warm water.
Don't use soap at all.