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Ontario Fishing Forums

Help Support Ontario Fishing Forums:

Hello: My name is Lee and I'm new to this forum. I love fishing, but haven't been in a long time. I can't wait to get some new fishing gear and put my line in the water. Oh what a good feeling to have a tug on the line!
JenniferGrace1, Debbie17, chinook, Russo, t2lieu, and YvesG, Welcome aboard!

Introduce yourself in the thread titled "New members, Introduce yourselves here! Welcome Wagon Gifts", then PM me with your mailing address so I can send your free gift out to you!

Hi all,

My name is Alexander, and I have been fishing in Ontario for the last 20 some years pretty much for most of the species available in Ontario, except may be for Sturgeon. :mrgreen: I frequent at two other fishing forums quite often, and I shall try my best to make my input here useful in the future.
Hello everyone, I'm new to this site and looking forward to reading interesting posts on fishing. I camp on the French River and basicly live for fishing all summer. Summer is almost here and I can't wait :?:
key_up, Zander, PHATBUDA and lasallejai, welcome to Ontario Fishing Forums!

Please PM me with your mailing addresses so that I can get the welcome wagon out to you!

Please enjoy the site!

kockykaveman said:
hi im wondering how i get my free gift i regestered in april but the site never asked for my address

the site does not ask you for your address; you have to send a pm to openfire with your mailing address in order to receive the welcome wagon gift
this is my first time on here can't wait till I have more time to look over this site and see what it all has . I am kinda new to fishing haven't caught anything as of yet but I am hoping that will change soon and am learning how to make my own lures and fly fishing lures also
Hey my name is Chris and i just moved here to the GTA a few months ago, i used to live in Texas and was accustom to catching some pretty big bass, i was wondering if i could get some ideas on where to fish
