Not sure about the limits on roe possession, But its most likely along the same lines as fish. Your limit is per day, but you can only have your limit in the freezer at home and I am almost sure it's the same for Roe. Now the limit on salmon is 5 fish sport I think. You catch five 20lb pig hens out of lake "O" and unless your a chumming fiend :-x:cry: that should last the most avid float fisherman the full year.
If you strip a fish of its roe I am almost 100% that counts as 1 fish off your limit.
Some one also talked about people stacking their freezers with fish. Happens up my way all the time. Its awful. I have seen many different guys take home their limit for a week straight. Keep that up and will have nothing left.
I keep two or three salmon a year for me and a buddy and fish mainly hatchery roe. I fully remember my first year fishing, I kept every rainbow I could (within daily limits) Thinking I needed everything I could get. Two seasons later fishing the same freezer burned roe and feeling like an a**, I decided I might have over done it. so be smart! I know its exciting. If you don't want to fish hatchery roe, keep two fish and once your into the second fish worth of roe start thinking about keeping another one. Trust me you don't want the guilt or the freezer burned roe like I dealt with. :-D