roe roe roe

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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
i have alot of roe--can i put it in sacks and then freeze it to use over the next while or does it have to stay (un)frozen --which leads me to ask how long can you keep eggs in your fridge on average? year month week.???
i have alot of roe--can i put it in sacks and then freeze it to use over the next while or does it have to stay (un)frozen --which leads me to ask how long can you keep eggs in your fridge on average? year month week.???

air dry cure if you like and freeze in days of fishing.
freeze in days of fishing? you mean thaw? or?

i would believe that Fishheads is implying that you should freeze the roe in portions which you will use for one day of fishing, that way you aren't thawing and refreezing the eggs which can eventually ruin them. Correct me if i'm wrong :p
Hey Schnip

Did you wash the eggs in the river? You can still do that, it will make them firmer. Run them under cold water for like 5 mins. How do you plan to cure them? I used to use pickling salt, so that's the only method I know. You can keep them in a bottle with water for up to about a month in the fridge. But better to cure it ASAP.

Just remember to save me some...... :D
100% natural for the steel.

I freeze them, take out what I want to tie... thaw that... tie... and then hook up!!!

I go straight from the fish to a container in the freezer. as natural as it gets.
just like what everyone else is saying keep it simple!!! Wash the eggs as soon as you harvest them (CREEK WATER ONLY!!) dry em and freeze em tie em fish em!!