salmon curing (borax)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
does anyone here using a borax to cure your roe? i wanna try borax curing i already tried the air dry and salt but my roe is still soft :lol: i hope borax can make it a little hard because its too soft it break easily :(
if you are using a borax to cure your egg please teach me proper use of it thanks in advance 8)
i think you are suppose to dust them just enough that all the eggs get covered.

To much and they become candy
I’m assuming you are using loose roe. Are you stream hardening your eggs? Are you trying to tie them up after thawing them from the freezer? Generally speaking, if you don’t stream harden your eggs, no matter what you do to try to cure the eggs, you will always end up with soft roe that pops. Perhaps you’d have better luck with Pro-cure in those instances.
this stream line you talk about

do you mean just leaving the roe in the river making 100 percent contact?
yeah its a loose egg maybe i will try that leave the egg in river for couple of hours... one question: my loose egg already treated are they still good for stream hardening? thanks
t0ca said:
this stream line you talk about

do you mean just leaving the roe in the river making 100 percent contact?

Once you harvest the eggs from the fish, rinse the eggs out in cold water to remove dirt, blood other stuff you don't want (cold stream water is usually the most practical). When eggs contact cold water, the outer membrane toughens up. The longer you leave the eggs in the stream, the tougher they will get. If they stay too long in the water, you'll see them turn white. Test the eggs periodically for the desired hardness. Water hardened eggs certainly fare better in the freezer than non-hardened ones (not to the point of being able to refreeze though).
ex0or said:
yeah its a loose egg maybe i will try that leave the egg in river for couple of hours... one question: my loose egg already treated are they still good for stream hardening? thanks

Only should take a few minutes depending on how hard you want the eggs with fresh eggs...Personally speaking, I've never had to harden cured roe (At least not over 20+yrs of steelheading). I'd just think they'd milk out if you tried.
exor soon as u take the eggs outta the fish leave the eggs in river water for 45 minutes. after this u do not need to cure them. i just add a little salt when i get home and freeze them. works good.
i found in one website how to use the borax and salt to loose salmon egg or skein 1st i dry my loose salmon egg (air dry with paper towel) and when its dry i put 2 cups of borax in plastic container and 3 table spoon of salt ( i used the kitchen salt lol ) and i mix it and i put the salmon egg and mix it and freeze it for 24 hours. and your loose egg and skein will dry in freeze and make it hard i tested it on my loose egg and it works :D