Salmon fishing when then are spawning

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staffman said:
Reading Pedro's posts are better than picking up the comics.

glad you enjoyed. But this has got to come to an end. Too many people are against me. I've been getting screwed real bad from the time I started posting on the internet. I could take Ronald's advice on ignoring you guys, but I DON'T like ignoring people. I think it'll be better for both me and you guys if I stop posting and just keep quiet and learn from now on. I think I might even take a break from fishing and start doing the things I always really wanted to do!

See Ya!
Kestrel said:
Pulling fish off redds in shin deep water isn’t a style…It’s a cheap tactic snaggers and poachers use to get meat, period.

salmon meat is bad mmmmmmkaayyyyyyyyyyyyy
are you going to then have one of those montage like in the movie to prep for steelhead?
Does anyone want to Argue with me??? i keep 2 Big rainbow trout last week and i eat it!!! yummyy and i release 3 of them why everyone in here they want you to do their way???? every human has own their way!! you guys are so funny how old are you??? the one attacking pedro??? maybe 40 -45 years old??? how old do you think pedro??? pedro is 16 years old only compare to you!!! you have much knowledge to him he's still a kid!!! dont you understand that!!! why don't you pick on your own size??? or level??? everyone here they think they are so proSSSSSS yeah right

everyone has own their method to fish!!! you cannot force the people do your way!!! pedro has he's own way thats good.... may i ask you something the one attacking pedro why dont you go to the river and get those snaggers and smack their ass??? and they throwing garbage in the river you said you doing this for the future right?? get those people..... pedro can fish he's way he fish in legal ways im always with pedro he's a good person why you people dont stop attacking him??? oh my god you people are worst than american idol judge hahahahaahaha how to criticize a person
one word i wanna say just read it to all of you!!!
read this >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mind your Own Business
It seems obvious to me that targeting fish on the spawning Redds is bad for the fishery and should NEVER be practiced under any circumstances.

I encourage those who have expressed their opinion on this issue to contact the OMNR and voice your concern, as this course of action will go much further in protecting the resource than bickering over an internet forum.

I do encourage healthy debate over important issues such as these, but in the future, I would ask that we keep it civil.

If anyone wishes to continue any personal arguments, please do so via PM.

Thank you.
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