Fish Fanatic said:thats impossible idiot
fishfreek said:I would try closer to the mouth, away from the crowds .
chinook2835 said:long story short, im only limited to 1 marina(fifty point) that's 15 min away from my house because i only have my G1 and my parents areant usually willing to drop me off somewhere and hour a way,and this marina i fish at does get a run but usually we only start getting them on j13 around the 2nd week of october and i go out atleast five times during september at the end of the rock pier(it only goes out into the lake about 15 feet) casting out of the peir and the only thing ive caught doing so is sheepshead,Does anyone have any idea as to why this is? because at that time of the year people start getting a lot off piers
No,I fish at the Far East part by the beach, if you don't mind me asking when would u recommend I start chucking spoons?razdaddy said:If you are, judging by the satalit image, I would move one more pile to the east with a big weight and throw as far out as possible.
Paul1913 said:I was missing the run so much all the fish I cleaned to put in the smoker , my compost bin smelt as good as the east ditches after the run
As soon as someone posts a picture of a salmon laying on concrete, guys will begin running to the piers within minutes. Don't get in their way you'll be trampled. It's more of a sprint than a marathon but you get the idea.FlyingSashimi said:Interesting. so when it is official, than salmon starts to run like marathon? :mrgreen: