First off - let me start by saying I just got back into fishing this year after a long time off (4 or 5 years?). I got both my wife and I an outdoors card with the conservation fishing. We have a competition to see who will catch the most fish this year. First real post too (other than in welcome section).
I figured I'd reach out to people on here, as the resources seem to be hard to find, to maybe help me out and give some suggestions - I apologize if some of this seems overly basic.
Here are some of the questions I have.
A) Where the heck can you find a bait shop in the eastern part of Windsor? I live in the east end (Riverside), and fish in the same area. Bob's Bait on Lauzon is long gone. Closest I can find while doing a search is Al's (Brighton Rd - east end of Tecumseh), and Wally's (west end of Windsor). I can't believe with all the spots to fish, plus the marina, there isn't any places to get worms/minnows.
B) I know I'll get at least some chuckles about this, but..... I'm batting .000 so far. Yes...ZERO! I've tried minnow type lures (lost one in a snag at foot of Pilette), 3" white grubs(the white plastic ones on a jig), tried similar 3" plastic worms (with and without jig), standard sinker and hook (with 3 way swivel) w/ plastic Berkley power bait worms, tried a minnow harness (one with the beads/spoon, 2 hooks) with a rubber minnow (bought this at Cdn Tire), and also used the longer power bait worms and a worm harness (from CT as well). fish. ( see A re: bait/setup as to why I don't use live bait, yet)
C) I've tried foot of Pilette, St. Paul Pumping Station. Lily Kazilly's always way too busy. I just want to catch/release. 2-3 weeks ago (for a couple weeks in a row) I did see a couple pickerel swim by just below surface (pumping station), so I know there a fish nearby!
Any suggestions???? This is almost funny that I have to post this. I used to fish with my buddies at these locations, using just a hook/sinker set-up with worm or minnow, and catch everything from perch, silver bass, sheephead, rock bass, even snagged a smallmouth and largemouth from Lily Kazilly's, gobies, even a mudpuppy once!
I will usually go around 6AM (45 mins to 1 hr) if I got before work, and then 9-10AM if it's a Saturday or Sunday morning, when I have more time. I know midday is not a good time generally from what I remember (at least from shore).
LOL - I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, but maybe just not having luck.
FYI - equipment: 7ft medium Zebco Rhino Rod, with open type spinning reel.
I figured I'd reach out to people on here, as the resources seem to be hard to find, to maybe help me out and give some suggestions - I apologize if some of this seems overly basic.
A) Where the heck can you find a bait shop in the eastern part of Windsor? I live in the east end (Riverside), and fish in the same area. Bob's Bait on Lauzon is long gone. Closest I can find while doing a search is Al's (Brighton Rd - east end of Tecumseh), and Wally's (west end of Windsor). I can't believe with all the spots to fish, plus the marina, there isn't any places to get worms/minnows.
B) I know I'll get at least some chuckles about this, but..... I'm batting .000 so far. Yes...ZERO! I've tried minnow type lures (lost one in a snag at foot of Pilette), 3" white grubs(the white plastic ones on a jig), tried similar 3" plastic worms (with and without jig), standard sinker and hook (with 3 way swivel) w/ plastic Berkley power bait worms, tried a minnow harness (one with the beads/spoon, 2 hooks) with a rubber minnow (bought this at Cdn Tire), and also used the longer power bait worms and a worm harness (from CT as well). fish. ( see A re: bait/setup as to why I don't use live bait, yet)
C) I've tried foot of Pilette, St. Paul Pumping Station. Lily Kazilly's always way too busy. I just want to catch/release. 2-3 weeks ago (for a couple weeks in a row) I did see a couple pickerel swim by just below surface (pumping station), so I know there a fish nearby!
Any suggestions???? This is almost funny that I have to post this. I used to fish with my buddies at these locations, using just a hook/sinker set-up with worm or minnow, and catch everything from perch, silver bass, sheephead, rock bass, even snagged a smallmouth and largemouth from Lily Kazilly's, gobies, even a mudpuppy once!
I will usually go around 6AM (45 mins to 1 hr) if I got before work, and then 9-10AM if it's a Saturday or Sunday morning, when I have more time. I know midday is not a good time generally from what I remember (at least from shore).
LOL - I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, but maybe just not having luck.
FYI - equipment: 7ft medium Zebco Rhino Rod, with open type spinning reel.