Shorelines w/ April Vokey

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Nov 4, 2012
Did anyone watch the first episode of this show?

I recorded it on PVR and watched it last night, thought it was pretty good, was focused more on the state of the fishery rather than pushing the lodge or guide service they were using
I watched it and also thought it was good. Nice that it started on the Saugeen and Maitland rivers.
We had the opportunity to watch it in early December. WFN wanted us to watch and do a short survey of what we thought about the Pilot episode. Honestly was the most amazing fishing show that has been put together. As you said FF it surely was focused about the state of our fisheries. Not promoting anything to make somebody money. And best of all on our home waters. I also want to say the amazing video footage! Vantage Point surely blew it out of the water. A team of 3 guys did that amazing footage. The footage from the drone was awesome too seeing the fly lines lay out over the water was cool to see.

The photographer Alyssa Loyd is amazing at her work, I have been chatting with her for a while now, we want her out to snap some pics with us when we start filming our short fly fishing film...

But all in all cant wait for the next episode, that's going to be out east.
Its the way a fishing show should be done, not a highlight reel of catching countless fish

those aerial shots were amazing!

I also think its kind of funny that a drift boat guide didn't have a net when she hooked into that brown accidently!
I enjoyed the first episode too- a more thoughtful, intelligent show on fish and fishing. I have had the pleasure of a day on the Saugeen with Ken Chandler, her guide on the show. Was after Muskie that day and Ken was great...knew exactly where they were and had all kinds of tips and instruction to offer me a s a fairly basic fly fisher. It was great to see him in action on the show!
Don't really watch TV, so I googled the name.

Perchance you gents have another reason for tuning into this show...


N'est ce pas?

Oui oui!
yea, she is a pretty good looking woman, but she also happens to be a very good spey caster and guide herself, she has her spey casting instructor certification. shes also a very good fly tyer
This has to be the best fishing show I have ever watched. Probably just because it focused on local steelhead and atlantic salmon fishing, with the help of a sexy female spey

I loved the interview segments on the Atlantic Salmon project as well, cant wait for those numbers to start going up. I'm glad they didn't give in to the pressure from the angling community to can the project.
Its a pretty good show that i am forward to more of. things that matter rather then fish porn and advertising.
i see some of those guys a few times a year around here, always working hard.
its good exposure for all involved.
NADO said:
This has to be the best fishing show I have ever watched. Probably just because it focused on local steelhead and atlantic salmon fishing, with the help of a sexy female spey

I loved the interview segments on the Atlantic Salmon project as well, cant wait for those numbers to start going up. I'm glad they didn't give in to the pressure from the angling community to can the project.
Sorry bud but trading 4 existing and thriving species for 1 is not logical. The cost of bringing back the alantic will cost the demise of chinny,coho,browns and steel. We're already seeing the numbers go down from last year and this year. Which will eventually break the boating guides on the Great Lakes and possibly lower the amount of new fishers entering the game of river fishing. Don't get me wrong I'd love it if Atlantics came back but given the choice of Atlantics vs the demise of the formethioned species of choose what we already have. Plus there's so much work needed to repair the rivers and lower the temps to even make this project a viable one. But that's just my thoughts and I'm sure there would be a lot of disagreement on the matter.
FYI we need to get out sometime. Lol.
This year seemed to be a bad year, but there are lots of potential causes besides the Atlatic efforts. Last year was amazing!

We need to get out for sure, I still have that blue fleece folded neatly in my closet lol. Come and join us on Simcoe for some laker smashing.
NADO said:
This year seemed to be a bad year, but there are lots of potential causes besides the Atlatic efforts. Last year was amazing!

We need to get out for sure, I still have that blue fleece folded neatly in my closet lol. Come and join us on Simcoe for some laker smashing.
Sounding like a plan beginning to form there. 😎
just rewatched the show, that CRAA guy really doesn't know his regs very well, and they introduced him as the president, which he is not.

for the regs part he said the limit on Atlantics is none in the creeks, but 5 in the lake. its one over 24.8" in the lake
Sorry bud but trading 4 existing and thriving species for 1 is not logical. The cost of bringing back the alantic will cost the demise of chinny,coho,browns and steel. We're already seeing the numbers go down from last year and this year. Which will eventually break the boating guides on the Great Lakes and possibly lower the amount of new fishers entering the game of river fishing. Don't get me wrong I'd love it if Atlantics came back but given the choice of Atlantics vs the demise of the formethioned species of choose what we already have. Plus there's so much work needed to repair the rivers and lower the temps to even make this project a viable one. But that's just my thoughts and I'm sure there would be a lot of disagreement on the matter.
FYI we need to get out sometime. Lol.
Not sure why establishing Atlantics would threaten the 4 spieces you mentioned? They live together fine in other areas.

That being said, and having caught many Atlantics I would love to see the re-establishment of a native spieces even if it somewhat deminished 4 non native fish. Altho as I said I don't think it would.
In this day and age of invasive spieces the recovery of a native fish would be nothing but a victory for all involved.

atlantics are summer spawners. our tribs are much too warm for them thanks to human development. they run and cook in the temps. until rivers are restored to support cooler temps the atlantics wont recover.
Alfiegee said:
Not sure why establishing Atlantics would threaten the 4 spieces you mentioned? They live together fine in other areas.

That being said, and having caught many Atlantics I would love to see the re-establishment of a native spieces even if it somewhat deminished 4 non native fish. Altho as I said I don't think it would.
In this day and age of invasive spieces the recovery of a native fish would be nothing but a victory for all involved.

Just take a look at the lift dams during the runs and the answer will be transparent.
I don't watch WFN unless it's Vokey or Mariko on the and not difficult to the eyes for sure...
Slickrick said:
atlantics are summer spawners. our tribs are much too warm for them thanks to human development. they run and cook in the temps. until rivers are restored to support cooler temps the atlantics wont recover.
Atlantics are not summer spawners. Fall in my experience in NL and NB. And also if you do a quick Google.
Agreed about the cooler water being benefical, but it wouldn't harm any of the other trout or salmon either. Or any native fish for that matter.

As for April, is she single? Or where can I find one like her? Lol.
