simcoe finest

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Jun 24, 2007
another gorgeous day on the water, probably last shot at lakers until ice. it has been harder and harder to trick these buggers.... hopefully it will pick up again before closing.
current in the bay made the fishing tricky as it moved the lure more than 10 ft to the side.
went 3/6 with few dozen chasers in between.
one to end the day.

dude you were supposed to tell me if u went! Nice job!
buck said:
still sounds like a lot of fun but the lake looks like you were getting some deep were you hitting them?
no waves at all, juts some boat traffic wakes.

NADO said:
dude you were supposed to tell me if u went! Nice job!
might hit again this sunday, 6am on the water, will let you know for sure

Dozer said:
Nice natural fish dude
fought like a champ compared to stocked ones. was hoping for 20lbs :cry:

m_van said:
Nice catch! how deep?
You caught this fish at 105 ft or did you have 105 ft of line out? I thought pulling fish up front that depth would almost certainly kill them?​
They don't die unless you pull them out very fast, hook deep and hold out of the water for too long esp in summer. I always keep the net in the water and unhook. Lately been using barbless hooks for fast release.