Simcoe Screamers

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Unaccomplished Steelheader
Aug 14, 2010
It was a tough grind today, we fished from 7am to 4pm and marked very few fish throughout the day. Most of the marks were lazy whitefish with 5-7 lakers marked all day. Luckily the fish we did mark were big and aggressive, the two fish I landed made the day all worth it. These brutes were true simcoe screamers, drag cranked as far as I am willing go and they still run from top to bottom like its nothing.

Typically whitefish are lazy marks rising slowly off bottom and lakers come off bottom much quicker and are willing to travel further to check out a bait. That's definitely not always the case though, I have had whities chase me for 80' and I have also had lakers slurp up a bait off bottom.