skunks dont count as reports right?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2008
so i went by a set of small canals at simcoe today, tons of people there on a weekday at like 3pm, lots of people fishing with bobbers and lots of them caught small bluegill + perch.

On my first cast, my ultralight rod ive been using for about 3 years snaps in half. all i could say that whole time was #$%^&*#$%^&*.

Since i only brought 1 rod, had to make some changes, i was fishing with my new ice rod for an hour or so, and i wonder if its that i havent cauhgt a fish in so long i forgot how to set a hook or was it that half a rod couldnt even set a hook. Didnt catch any fish except watch others catch fish, still a fun day though, now time to work on homework until around 3am tonight :) Maybe go back again tomorrow wiht a working rod.
If skunks counted as reports I'd be well on my way towards the spring prize.

I'm sorry to hear about your luck; but at least you've caught fish this year.
lol, longsilver, actually i'm 0/3 this year. terrible luck for me too. cant wait for kawartha opener next weekend though.
ec1 said:
lol, longsilver, actually i'm 0/3 this year. terrible luck for me too. cant wait for kawartha opener next weekend though.

I'm 0/4 right now.

- Went ice fishing with a friend, froze for 5 hours never got a bite. Normally he would have at least a half dozen fish by then.

-Tried float fishing for steelhead in mid march, the creek had frozen overnight and the thin skims of ice moving out were causing havoc after three hours of frustrating waiting for open area's to get bait through we gave up.

-Tried up at my cottage on the little open water that there was and no luck, did manage to loose a favorite lure that day.

-Went fishing for steelhead yesterday at wilmont creek and no dice. I found a fairly clear spot where I had a view of the creek all the way across and sat down and waited in 20 minutes I saw not one fish, they've all moved up by now I guess.

At least in my defense (as a fisherman) no one else caught any the days I went fishing either. Maybe I'm just cursed and should take up golf.
kennyhman said:
wow.. seems like you guys have terrible luck :)

:D smart allec, if you want a big piece of my terrible luck come fishing with me, apparently it's contagious.
bahk7 said:
I'm also 0/3 this season, went out 3 times this week and nothing.

What were you fishing for and where?

I'm assuming that if it's open right now, it's because the fish are elsewhere getting it on.
I just bought a ultralight rod, 4 piece. How did it snap????? Big fish? Please elaborate on how it snap, as I am fearful it might happen for me.
im 1 for 3 this year which is pretty bad.

1st time out was febuary ice fishing caught 8 or 9 crappie no pics though.

2nd and 3rd at canal road for crappi9e got skunked.
dont worry anyhting about breaking your rod unless you catch like some lochenss monster on the UL rod. Ive actually hooked into nice bass and walleye with that rod (couldnt land the walleye though). i think the reason it broke was because that rod had the trunk slammed onto is some time last year.
to be all engineering geeky for a moment.

The problem with carbon fibre is that you can get 'micro fractures' basically small breaks in the fibre of the weave that aren't visible because the epoxy isn't affected, then all of a sudden; massive failure. I deal with it more in racing applications, but when it goes, it goes suddenly.
When others around you asked why your rod broke... what did you tell them?

"Oh I've caught a monster fish and my rod broke!!" ? :)

Btw... is that you with the cool hat ?
I'm 4/5 for the year thus far. My only skunk was fishing for pike at Ontario Place. I'll try again when the season opens.
What kinf of rod is it? I had a rod snap on me, and I took it back and they gave me a new one. There are afew rod manufacturers that are pretty good about a break as long as you didn't step on it or get it stuck in a car door.
Spinninreel said:
What kinf of rod is it? I had a rod snap on me, and I took it back and they gave me a new one. There are afew rod manufacturers that are pretty good about a break as long as you didn't step on it or get it stuck in a car door.

He mentioned he closed the trunk on it so I think he's out of luck in that regard.
I'm determined to break my skunk streak tomorrow and be able to come on here and say I'm 1/5. Fishing wilmont creek tomorrow morning. I'll be in a red hat and red jacket if you see me say hi.
longsilver said:
I'm determined to break my skunk streak tomorrow and be able to come on here and say I'm 1/5. Fishing wilmont creek tomorrow morning. I'll be in a red hat and red jacket if you see me say hi.

lol good luck! Remember to get pics!