Snagging intentionally...

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I'll take a pic tomo if it hasn't lost its colour.

Just so Blair can see that there are Atlantics over 2lbs? The credits run of Atlantics is currently in the hundreds and quite a few are spawning adults. Meaning over 2lbs :)
I'll take a pic tomo if it hasn't lost its colour.

Things that are Dead ... Usually Loss their Colour .... lol

*I dont really want to see a dead one,! Hearing about it works.

I bet the MNR and CRAA would like to have them, and some info.
Just so Blair can see that there are Atlantics over 2lbs? The credits run of Atlantics is currently in the hundreds and quite a few are spawning adults. Meaning over 2lbs :)


You gave out the SECRET ... so I can see a picture?

Thank you

I only want to see a Catch & Release Healthy one.... Over 2 pds

Would be a nice pic
Just so Blair can see that there are Atlantics over 2lbs? The credits run of Atlantics is currently in the hundreds and quite a few are spawning adults. Meaning over 2lbs :)
That's why I didn't take a pic. Didn't seem like a big deal.

As far as snaggers go there, I've only seen one, and a fellow board member explained to him he was breaking the law and showed him a proper rig. A couple minutes later the snagger came over to see if his new rig was good! Nice conversion man!
Snagging? Native Indians? Dead Atlantic's?

I'm just gonna punch some random person on the TTC this morn and hope I solve one of the problems. I kid, I kid...I don't take the TTC.

Levity aside, there's some good info buried in this thread. I'm learning a lot about the issues contemporary river anglers face nowadays.

And I thought the hunting situation was bad.
Thanks for the information guys. I was hesitant to ask such a question, and the information that Blair provided has helped. In comment to the video posted, it is unfortunate that such events happen often perhaps out of spite. However, I think it is also really important to examine, historically, the issues within Canadians' Native population.
All salmon species stop feeding when they enter fresh water/streams or rivers. They hit spinners, flies or anything else out of aggression. They are not actively feeding.
Spinners with treble hooks or single hooks? I hope single hooks... I'm having a hard time imaging this working and getting fish in the mouth... I'd just expect the trebles to catch in fins and wherever else they brush up against the salmon. This would happen before the salmon would get angry enough to chase the spinner... that's what I'd expect to happen at least.

I've never heard of people fishing salmon with spinners before. If I'd have seen it I would have thought it as snagging. I really have a lot to learn...
Next time you are out on a trib with a pool full of fish try a spinner. I have stood and the top of a pool and just held the spinner in the current. You'll be surprised how many curious chinnies will come take a look, and lots of the time you can watch them take your spinner. Holding it in the current instead of retrieving it stops you from running the spinner across the fish's backs.
Chinook and Coho do try to eat, but they lose their ability to swallow once they are on their spawning run. With a bit of practice, you can have a good day on the river fishing lures for salmon. With steelhead it's even easier, but the guys who floss will tell you differently :)
I always thought the same as well, hence the use of bright annoying flies & yarn etc.

Ya me too but I was noticing the other day after you guys left that my float was doing strange things when I switched to floating roe. You could tell they were sitting there chomping on it for a few seconds before the float actually went down and then the hook ended up being right on the tongue two times in a row. It was enough evidence for me! Unfortunately you have to be there at the perfect time to get them in a feeding mood like that. I went back three days later and the pools still had plenty of fish in them but 0 takers.


On a different note the native topic really gets me going. Sure they were commercial fishing for salmon with their nets on their own land but the fact that they get the commercial fishing licenses at no charge just pisses me off! I thought the new movement was for equality between all races and genders….so why is a certain race being given special treatment????? Sure they were here before the European settlers but were the Europeans not here before those that came from the African, Asian and South American continents? I am of European descent so by the current logic that is being used with native fishing and hunting rights I should be allowed to keep more fish than those of African or Asian descent. Not to mention all the other issues of free education, no taxes etc. etc.

We are all equal and we all have equal opportunities, its what we choose to do with them that separates us from the rest. I say no more preferential treatment for certain races, its time for an equal playing field.

By the way I’m not prejudice against natives in any way. I have a native buddy and bug him all the time for the tuition situation. Good on him for taking that opportunity and making the most of it, but it’s just not fair! lol
Seriously man i didnt think this site has turned into the BIGGEST PETA FEAST in the world! (No offence meant).

People Eating Tasty Animals!

I'm convinced they don't just strike out of aggression. The instinct to feed is somewhat there as well.
Hey Nado,
I think we sometimes miss the historical events that we (European decendants) imposed on the Native population. To name a few, segregation on reserves and in the educational system, lack of funding for social issues on these reserves, sterilization etc. I find it upseting to see such a vulnerable population not get the resources they require from our government. However, it is frustrating to see the over harvesting of natural resources. This is evident across the country. My attitude today is indifferentl; cause I surely would be irrate if I were were in their shoes, feeling isolated from the rest of the community. A big reason that I did not say anything while fishing and seeing Natives use alternative methods of fishing at a small creek was because of this realization. It surely is a complex issue, but I need to remind myself, what I would feel like if my culture was constantly pushed to the way side.

Ya me too but I was noticing the other day after you guys left that my float was doing strange things when I switched to floating roe. You could tell they were sitting there chomping on it for a few seconds before the float actually went down and then the hook ended up being right on the tongue two times in a row. It was enough evidence for me! Unfortunately you have to be there at the perfect time to get them in a feeding mood like that. I went back three days later and the pools still had plenty of fish in them but 0 takers.


On a different note the native topic really gets me going. Sure they were commercial fishing for salmon with their nets on their own land but the fact that they get the commercial fishing licenses at no charge just pisses me off! I thought the new movement was for equality between all races and genders….so why is a certain race being given special treatment????? Sure they were here before the European settlers but were the Europeans not here before those that came from the African, Asian and South American continents? I am of European descent so by the current logic that is being used with native fishing and hunting rights I should be allowed to keep more fish than those of African or Asian descent. Not to mention all the other issues of free education, no taxes etc. etc.

We are all equal and we all have equal opportunities, its what we choose to do with them that separates us from the rest. I say no more preferential treatment for certain races, its time for an equal playing field.

By the way I’m not prejudice against natives in any way. I have a native buddy and bug him all the time for the tuition situation. Good on him for taking that opportunity and making the most of it, but it’s just not fair! lol
We are all equal and we all have equal opportunities, its what we choose to do with them that separates us from the rest. I say no more preferential treatment for certain races, its time for an equal playing field.

We are all equal..... Just that they have a little more. Why be jealious dude. The white man invaded their land like the gobies in lake O. Their population is so small that it don't even put a dent in tax system.
Also.......I was out today an seen two Asians near me snagging with a bell sinker an a treble hook. One left with the van full an the other stayed to get more. I know they had there limit. But I also know they are eating them, an not gutting them for eggs. I know cuz I got a bag full out of one that the eggs were just falling on the ground. Said thank you an I just laughed an thought GROSS. BUT IF I SEE THEM THERE TOMORROW I WILL BE MAKING A PHONE CALL. LOL