So here's a question for you all

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Bow Man

Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2013
So you might be able to tell by my name that I am into bows. So I have a few questions for you all......

First, have any of you "bow fished" before or are doing so now? How is it ?

Second if you don't or have never "bow fished " how do you all feel about it?

I was just wondering, to me it looks like a VERY challenging way to fish. Also I could tie two of my hobbies:(aka passions ) together. So I just wanted to see what you all think.

Thanks Bow Man.
Not sure if you'l call it bow fishing, but when I was younger, I have made a little gun that shoots out BBQ skewers with a rubber band, and tried to fish(and shoot at other things, including birds, frogs, and beetles) with it. Needless to say, didnt catch any fish, or even reached anywhere near a fish :p

Im into catch-and-release so bow fishing is a big no-no for me. Also, bow fishing is heavily sight dependent so can only catch what you see.

Although I would never do it myself, I do like watching others do it. Seems really cool.
Oh. Well I catch and release 90% of the time I sometimes take depending on location, fish population in that area, size and if I'm craving bass, perch or picks.. Only take ones that are 3-4lbs none under or over.

So I don't have an issue I'd only do it if I'm taking to eat. Yet hitting game fish like that would be pretty hard to do lol.
Im against it with native species since im c and r only (except the rare perch), but species like carp presonally i dont see a problem
I say for bow-fishing to each their own, some people like to beat up little white balls and chase them around golf courses, some like to jump out of planes :smile: . I'm mostly catch and release and obviously bow-fishing would be a catch and keep kind of thing and the only fish I can see open seasons for bow-fishing are Carp, White Suckers and Bowfin ( 2012 regulations-sorry, under " non angling methods of capturing fish " section.) Not really sure I would want to dine on any of the 3 species mentioned.

Thanks for the feed back everyone, If I where to bow fish it would be VERY occasionally, probably when I am up north hunting in the fall and I would be eating what I caught up there.
But looking into further I am not sure I want to put out the money out to modify any of my bows. I am still curious though to very one else's feelings on this topic.

Also a little off topic, but curious to know how the fishing community feels about Bow hunting. My self I only hunt deer, turkey and black bear....yes bear with a bow. Any thing I kill when I hunt I sell to a guy I know who runs a game meat shop out side of Kill Bear. He has been doing this business now for 15 yrs. Game meat seems to be popular up there.

Bow Man
I like seeing people use those old medieval style longbows more than the new compound bows. I think the modern compound bows look ugly as hell.
Not a fan of crossbows. Not much different from using a gun.

If your kills dont go to waste, and you follow the regulations, I dont have anything against it.
Yah I'm a huge supporter of Catch and release... Even if it is a course fish such as a Carp, Bowfin, sheepshead esp.. A fish taht gives you a good fight deserves to be release and caught another day...

However.... If those Asian Silver carp end up here.. I'd be the first one out there with a cross bow! lol
Drop_Shot said:
Yah I'm a huge supporter of Catch and release... Even if it is a course fish such as a Carp, Bowfin, sheepshead esp.. A fish taht gives you a good fight deserves to be release and caught another day...

However.... If those Asian Silver carp end up here.. I'd be the first one out there with a cross bow! lol
Best target practice ever.

Too bad we dont have zooplankton lures. I bet those things can give a fight better than anything else we have here.
Not for it, not against it. I probably wouldn't do it, because I have no experience with bows of any kind, but it would be neat to watch someone. Like it's been said, you'd have to come up with a purpose for all the carp, you'll end up with.

usernamehere said:
Too bad we dont have zooplankton lures. I bet those things can give a fight better than anything else we have here.
There's a guy with the tag MuskieBait, a really really really savy angler. He went down south and hooked up with a few friends to fish for these silver carp, beneath a dam. You buy the smallest green grub you can find, take a J-hook and rig the grub on the hook, like the hook was a jig, then drift it in the current from the dam, the carp think it is algae and hit it, surprised me.
Ya man. Eat what you catch! Just dont roll up to a popular fishing spot and pull out your bow. Ive done it once and it was a blast.aim under the fish!
FishingNoob said:
Not for it, not against it. I probably wouldn't do it, because I have no experience with bows of any kind, but it would be neat to watch someone. Like it's been said, you'd have to come up with a purpose for all the carp, you'll end up with.

There's a guy with the tag MuskieBait, a really really really savy angler. He went down south and hooked up with a few friends to fish for these silver carp, beneath a dam. You buy the smallest green grub you can find, take a J-hook and rig the grub on the hook, like the hook was a jig, then drift it in the current from the dam, the carp think it is algae and hit it, surprised me.
I was under the impression that silver carps are filter feeders.

When silver carp spreads to here, il try that.
Go after common carp and give em to a local farmer. You can have tons of fun and are helping out the environment, especially if you do it in an isolated fishery. Some people try to protect common carp and might give you a hard time but that will all change when asian carp get here and common sense is restored. Too bad it takes something as extreme as that.

Ive been looking into bow fishing but I just have too many wants. Im keeping my eye out at a local bow shop for a used compound bow, should be able to get into it for around $200 with a used bow. It would be a blast standing up on my kayak bow fishing for carp.