Had the Snapper experience as kids 30-some years ago. My friends and I had a place we used to fish on a western trib ( do I have to say that when talking about Snappersgolfinseb said:I'm always worried about a gull taking my lure, hasn't happend to me yet (knock on wood).
My brother caught a huge snapper once when we were kids, scared us both so we just cut the line and let it be.
We caught the same one 3 times in 4 years. One of the front legs was a stump, so at least fairly sure it was the same one. Twice it was hooked in the mouth on a worm and once snagged in the stump. We got brave (or stupid) once and weighed it. 32 lbs, that's how much a case of Canadian "stubbies" weighed back then. (We got brave and weighed one of those too, once :lol: )
Not to insult the Turtle, but it fought like I was bringing in a tree stump. Kind of ironic.