Something to think about.

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"GM fish will not affect our lives as fishermen/women except for the rare escapee and this will not affect our outside of fishing life's unless you are an industrial fisherman or are a fish monger"

What i said was similar, not exact. I couldn't remember exactly what you said while i was typing my post.

I'm not sure how you took this as the escapees are not bad, read the first line of what I wrote. I clearly wrote that the "GM fish WILL NOT affect our lives AS fishermen/women unless a fish escapes and this occurrence WILL NOT affect our lives outside of fishing..." This does not mean that they are bad just that it won't affect our lives. Hope that clears it up.
GM products (not cars and trucks) are very bad for our health, I work in the meat industry, butcher, we've had so many people asking if there is gluten in our sausages and marinades since so many people are allergic to gluten now then there ever was before. Reason, GMo. wheat. wheat used to be taller, with smaller heads, causing them to be easily damaged by prairie winds, so modified the wheat to be short with bigger heads to have a larger yield. Peanuts is another one, for the older folks, how many people had peanut allergies when you were growing up, now compare that now. you can't even take a PB and J sandwich to school anymore for fear of killing multiple people, they were a staple in many young kids diet 15 years ago.

We let this fish go through, you will see fish allergies sky rocket in the next 15-20 years

Never heard of how modified wheat caused higher allergy rates. Any info/sources you can sure with us?

Also I'm not quite sure if your saying that GM food is bad cause it causes allergies. If I am wrong please by all means correct me but if I am right how can you say that allergies for a few (global scale) can out way the death of many(also global scale) from starvation?

P.S - I can't quite believe that PB&J sandwiches were a STAPLE to kids 15 years ago. Sounds like a little hyperbole, effective in it's use. :D
i do know a lot about food allergy stuff, as that is my job, need to protect my customers, the us fda just tests whether things are edible or not, if eating them will cause serious health problems or not( a food allergy is not considered a major health issue, they still allow PB with the number is severe peanut allergies out there) an then the economic viability and sustainability of the product. the FDA does not care about the environmental factors, thats not their job.
Seems like the US Food and Drug Administration would also test the health problems associated with eating GM food. Maybe I am just expecting too much? Can you image the uproar if the FDA said no to peanut butter! Would that mean no more peanuts at the ball game? I would think that the Americans would be angry! Nothing wrong with peanut butter so long as you rinse out you mouth after you eat it.

This fish is potentially harmful to our natural resources(wild fish stocks). just remember, no one thought the snake head would be an issue, until someone release a couple into a pond to save money on shipping. Same with the asian carp.

Key word POTENTIALLY I'm not quite sure why someone would release some salmon in pond if they are kept in tanks on LAND!!! If a fish were to escape (an unlikely occurrence) it would flop like a fool on hard cold DRY land.
Schnip, that's not all carp do. They search for food on the bottom of a lake, river, or harbour. Meanwhile, they are stirring up sediment and mud, therefore causing clear water to be muddy. Then that mud ruins runs for our native fish, like salmon, steelhead, etc, that require quality,clear, coldwater. Each female can produce about 100,000 eggs each spwaning time. Also, weeds on the bottom and swamp plant along the shore die, due to the carp making muddy water and thrashing around. Carp are horrible fish. The two worst fish in ontario is the carp and gobie. That will change if "frankenfish" (snakehead) invade. Carp are garbage, all the way.

Lucky this isn't on the CAG board... Personally I rank fish by their fighting power and looks, a carp, especially a mirror carp is hard to beat in my books. Fight like a horse out of hell carp do.
Never heard of how modified wheat caused higher allergy rates. Any info/sources you can sure with us?

Did some research on allergies and GM food. JMatt is right. Check this link out.
Lucky this isn't on the CAG board... Personally I rank fish by their fighting power and looks, a carp, especially a mirror carp is hard to beat in my books. Fight like a horse out of hell carp do.
But they ruin out waters. I think a big steelhead would beat a carp in fight and looks.
So work on these GM Salmon goes back to the late '80s, let's say 1980 for the sake of argument. That would be 32 years. How many brilliant ideas of man have been implemented over the years( remember man has been around thousands of years ) that turned out to be total f ups after 30 or 40 years. It was argued years ago that nuclear power was a good clean and safe alternative to other power generating methods, after years of research. Yes nuclear power is still around today and working well and safely in most cases, but tell that to the people who once lived in what is now called an "uninhabitable exclusion zone", Chernobyl, or at least any survivors. A population of 50,000 displaced, and many died from radiation sickness or are sick and 30 sq. kms around the area are still considered a dead zone 26 years later. What of Three Mile Island and Fukishima. Both released radiation into the atmosphere. 2 of these accidents occurred due to human error and 1 due to human error followed by natural disaster, followed by more human error.
Maybe the GM Salmon experiment would work well for 10, 20 or 30 years, maybe forever. But man has no control over accidents, that is why they are called accidents.
Granted I used an extreme example in nuclear power, but I use it to make the point that man playing God, even with the best of intentions is not always the best way to go.

Okay and say these Salmon are approved for land based farms so that escapees into the wild is an extremely remote possibility. What's to stop Japan or some other country with limited land space deciding it's okay to rear these fish in pens along their coast like Atlantics are raised off the coast of B.C. These Atlantics in B.C. are widely thought to be responsible (not sure if it has been proven or not ) for the drastic decline in Pink Salmon runs along the west coast due to diseases and/or parasites. Sterile or not, in pens or escaped, these fish can cause problems.
Atlantics are one of my favorite fish to catch but they should remain where they belong, on the Atlantic sea-board. Much like Asian Carp and Snakeheads should have remained in Asia.

Did some research on allergies and GM food. JMatt is right. Check this link out.

yea 7/10 of my customers have some sort of gluten (soy and wheat) allergies, can GMO foods help feed everyone, absolutely, are they good for our long term health, not at all, I mean if everyone is allergic to it, how long can they continue to make it?

Peanut allergies have gotten worse and worse over the years as well, my g/f is a daycare worker, she has some kids that will start to get itchy from a wrapped granola bar.

also a new allergy has popped up recently as well, garlic!
Hitler would hve been glad to see the advancements in these modified fish, because it would mean that it would be one step closer to his dream of having an aryan super race.
I have to wonder about nutritional values - just because we can do something, it doesn't necessarily mean we should. Also, approving this doesn't mean we're about to feed the hungry in the world - there's no money in that, and unfortunately money is usually the deciding factor in what happens. Just recently reliving my childhood - eating PB&J sandwiches for lunch. I forgot how good they were... when I was a kid, it was a staple.