Spooling to avoid line twists

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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2010

"Do not reel in while your drag is being engaged, this causes line twist." Great tip for fish that tend to peel line such as steelhead and salmon.

This video showed me a much better way to spool line.

Worth watching twice.

-Open the bail before tying the line to the spool, rather than first tying the knot and putting it underneath the closed bail
-Tape not necessary with mono but good idea for braid to avoid slippage
-Good idea to put the line through the first eye before spooling to make the process a little easier
-Line should roll off the top when you are reeling it onto the spool
One of the best tips I ever read was to soak the spool of your reel in warm water for 5-10 minutes after spooling with mono. This sets the spool memory of your line to the size of the reel's spool, rather than the spool the line was bought on. No more line exploding off your reel as soon as you open the bail.
One of the best tips I ever read was to soak the spool of your reel in warm water for 5-10 minutes after spooling with mono. This sets the spool memory of your line to the size of the reel's spool, rather than the spool the line was bought on. No more line exploding off your reel as soon as you open the bail.

I find that isn't much of an issue as long as I don't overspool. I don't use heavy mono, usually 6 to 10 lb trilene. Heavy mono tended to come flying off my reel whenever I have used it.
Italo's video is incomplete. It forgets to address the issue of how the line comes off the spool (CW or CCW) and how your reel spins (CW or CCW).

Here's a video that shows how to sync the direction of the line:

After syncing the direction of the line, flip the spool of line 90 degrees so the line is either coming off the top or off the bottom of the spool, depending on which direction your reel turns.

If you don't understand what I am saying here just ask and I will try to explain better.
TTT (I know some of you are opening new reels/new line today)

If your reel spins clockwise, reel the new line on from the top.

If your reel spins counter clockwise, reel it on from the bottom.

In Italo's video, his reel spins clockwise, so his line is coming off the top of the spool when he's reeling it on.
nice post, simple thing that I and a lot of other people are probably doing wrong, thanks