Spoon Chuckin' the East

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Sunday had calm water and again the boats were killing us on shore. I didn't see anyone on land hook up at all. Apparently it was happening for us at night time. Shore was even busier with traffic Sunday
Just wanted to add that if anyone would like to hook up to share ideas and fish together, I'm open to that.
I chuck spoon this time of the year. Lots of open water and I'm actually enjoying this cool but warmer than winter temps we're getting. Was chucking spoon for some steels & brown but hooked up a couple of pike decent 20" size. 5-7lbs average. Got a few follows from bigger pike but no takes. Lost a brown with a crippled herring lure. No steelies. Weekend looks promising.
I did. I heard from a local that guys were catching off the end of the pier. I pussed out and stayed close to my car lol. The river was flowing nicely though. Might go smash out some ice. No luck chuckin' though. Mind you, very new to me, especially the trout thing
Hi Dave. I don't know which part of east pier you were fishing and what method...My personal preference is pike but the ultimate goal is to get a tug at the other end of the line. When I chuck spoons. I sometimes I put a trailer on the hook... a piece of shrimp or twister tail. I know some guys have been successful drop shotting dead smelt on piers. Haven't tried it personally but considering it. I saw a guy haul in, haul in different types of fish in that one method alone. Pike, sheephead & bass - winter.
sorry, I should be more specific when i have your attention. Slow retrieve spoons. I use a Mepps Syclopps 17g in variable colours. This time was on 6lb mono, but at the pier i usually rock 8lb. I just couldn't find it and needed new line.
6lb should be fine for browns & steeles...just make sure you have a loaded spool as the initial run is crucial.
. I use 6lb - 8lb for casting spoons. what size cyclops you use? I have them for pike but I like the lurh jensen spoons better. Although i'm liking the Jig-a-Joe jigging spoons right now - casts farther and good wobble...pike loves them.
My very first brown on pier was accidental...was fishing for pike on a red devil spoon....
took me about 100 yard....
Haha! A brown would be very welcomed by me as my first rainbows only came out to play in 2015
I went to an east pier earlier today. The water was very muddy from all the rain and the waves were too big. Needless to say, I didn't get anything. We did get checked by the MNR though.
Guess that's one thing about winter fishing. Less ppl fishing = more opportunity to check everyone
I had no idea you could chuck spoons this time of year. I thought this time of the year was solely for fly rods up in the rivers.

What are you supposed to do? is it the same concept as Salmon? and do you fish at the end of the river mouth or inside?
It's my first time too... Buddy yesterday said he got a few. I know him. He's there a lot and gets fish often. I trust that word.

Anyways, I'm new to it too bro! Just doing my salmon thing, ya. Dunno if I'm right. He said, "put your time in and you'll get em". That worked for salmon, I'm sure if you practice and keep reading and refining you'll get some fish. I am 0 for 2 chucking in Feb
A West trib pier on sunday was on fire.. for the other guys. I spent hours throwing every spoon in my arsenal, it seemed everyone who hooked up that day was drifting roe with a slip float. Perhaps with the cold weather they're not interested in chasing down a spoon.