Still alive

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2012
Southwestern Ontario


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Anybody ever see a fish this small (about 3lbs), so beat up and still alive? We saw it flopping around so my buddy took a quick pic and put it back in the water, I've never seen one like this before.

oh man that looks rough. he probably took in JUST enough water to survive sitting in that puddle and was burnt to crisp on that side... poor guy :(
Anybody ever see a fish this small (about 3lbs), so beat up and still alive? We saw it flopping around so my buddy took a quick pic and put it back in the water, I've never seen one like this before.

That's an extraordinarily decayed tail for a live fish!
the lateral fins are gone and when we looked under the fish you could see the guts, you think the low water conditions would have had something to do with this? and why is such a young fish spawning?
Could it be a fish that a bird picked up and dropped there?
OMG poor thing. Probably would have been better to put the thing out of it's misery. I wonder if some one caught it and left it on shore deliberately to die. Too small for them. if it had been out of the water for a long time I'm sure the eye would have dried out and it should have suffocated. I doubt it will live very long. With it's raw flesh, it will just struggle just to swim. If it was me I would have euthanized it.
the lateral fins are gone and when we looked under the fish you could see the guts, you think the low water conditions would have had something to do with this? and why is such a young fish spawning?

This salmon had stunted growth or for some reason reached sexual maturity before it reached full size. As you probably know, all pacific salmon die after spawning.
Lots of small guys in GB and Huron tribs like that, they get the decayed tail because they beat the hell out of the gravel to make the reds taking away there scales and flesh, making them decay at a rapid pace.
good for that little scraper. What a little man to get it done like that. I was fishing for hours and had a bumped up scuffed brown in front of me that is not the fish any fisherman fishes for.