Struggling to catch a REAL fish in Durham

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Down at the rouge there is a pond-like area covered in Lilly pads and is nice to start on some local bass. Shore fishing this year had been dead at the rouge, at least for me. But I know a guy that goes in his kayak and catches lots of bass. If your boat is small enough to launch down there I would give it a try. Plus its close.
ShouldaUsedaLiter said:
Down at the rouge there is a pond-like area covered in Lilly pads and is nice to start on some local bass. Shore fishing this year had been dead at the rouge, at least for me. But I know a guy that goes in his kayak and catches lots of bass. If your boat is small enough to launch down there I would give it a try. Plus its close.
ya but youve got to use your paddle because it says no power boats, fishing had been dead for me too, my dad only caught 1 drum, the river is complety different for me, bass everywhere lol
ChasinTails said:
try the outflow at the nuclear plant, its not illegal i went and asked myself, you can ecpect to catch anything there, bass, trout, walleye, pike, etc, etc and it should be no more than 15mins for you
out flow from nuclear plant where???
ChasinTails said:
ya but youve got to use your paddle because it says no power boats, fishing had been dead for me too, my dad only caught 1 drum, the river is complety different for me, bass everywhere lol
Damn I never knew there were no power boats.
I dont know fishin off the shore down there this year is so dead. I remember as a kid fishing down there and everyone was catching.
ShouldaUsedaLiter said:
darn I never knew there were no power boats.
I dont know fishin off the shore down there this year is so dead. I remember as a kid fishing down there and everyone was catching.
top I remember fishing there work my grandpa catching bass cap the odd pike. Ah well good times lol
Why go to a nuclear plant to fish when you can go to a beautiful spot that doesn't hook you up with mr. cancer.
Catfish said:
Why go to a nuclear plant to fish when you can go to a beautiful spot that doesn't hook you up with mr. cancer.
well tchnically speaking the powerplant is just emitting a warm outflow from the water which was heated in the reactor chambers, its not however dangerous to you
FisherGirl said:
Hello everyone,

I am a newbie. I love to fish and this year I really got myself geared up. Even bought a little boat and trolling motor (some might call it a 'dingy'). The sad part about my story is that I HAVE YET TO CATCH A SINGLE FISH WORTH MENTIONING. It's honestly depressing. Up until today I have only caught tiny sunfish and one micro sized small mouth bass that I could have used as bait. I have read all about fishing techniques, when to fish, what to fish etc., but what I dont know is if Im fishing in the right bodies of water.

I have been spending most of my time at Frenchmans bay in pickering because its close, I can easily launch my boat, and it seems to have the right conditions for good bass fishing.

I did Duffins creek once or twice, without success...though I dont know what kind of fish are in those waters and I have been mostly looking for bass.

Can someone point me in some type of direction here? Help a girl out!

Gratefully yours,

:mellow: (stumped)
Cheers and good luck !