Tape for sliding centerpin reel seats

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2012
I have been using electrical tape to hold my reel on the sliding reel seats. I find that when it gets colder out, the tape doesn't hold as well. Is there anything else I can use that holds better in all conditions?

And I've been fishing for 100 yrs.
Caddis Freak has the pics to prove it.
A lot of guys recommend using Magic Wrap (I think that's what its called). I bought some at Canadian Tire but haven't used it yet. It does look good though.
Use the clear hockey tape that they use for taping ankles and what not. Sticky, leaves no residue and works well in the wet. *Don't use the kinda tape that is used for taping sticks, that will leave a lot of glue behind
shin pad tape maybe.
But I like the stretch and tightness of electrical tape myself.
Frabill reel tape for me, wont ruin your cork, only sticks to itself and has elastic properties. Its designed for ice fishing so no worries in the cold and ive seen it in at least 2 colours.