Targeting small lake Rainbows?

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2009
Good day all,

I'm headed up to a small Muskoka Lake (maybe 1km2) at the end of May that apparently has a small rainbow population. As I've never fished for rainbows in small spring-fed lake, I was wondering how to appraoch targeting the species. Average depth is approximately 20 feet, with the deepest part reaching 55 feet. I've been reading that trolling small spinners tipped with a worm would work, but these reports are mostly from early season when the water is still cold. I think by the time of my stay the water should have turned over. Any experienced anglers care to share some tips for targetting rainbows in a small lake?

Thanks all,

I like to use #3 size or use a blue fox vibrax. Long spinning rod with light line so it can go deep, 8lb mono or 6 lb braid. I don't use a dipsey diver. You can also try adding nightcrawler trailer. Fish it nice and slow with few pauses.
What Lake are you planning to fish? I am from Muskoka. Gull lake right in Gravenhurst has some good size rainbow that have been stocked, and they are fished much. best spot is troll under the bridge.
Thanks for the guidance gentlemen. I'll throw and troll some small mepps. The lake I'll be visiting is Leech Lake I believe, small strocked rainbow population.
Thanks dispatch, it's Mike btw lol. I got the row boat set for trolling (salty s-10 rod holder). Hopefully I get into some rainbows, and in turn, they get into the frying pan yum.
When I asked this earlier, I hear that spinners are your friend!
Don't really know how to fish them, because I never caught a rainbow trout, but I saw a couple out in a boat (the ones where you paddle like a bicycle), while holding rods in hand. They pretty much were trolling the manual way i guess.

I remember that the bait seemed to be a huge (12") row of spinners that give off the flash with some sort of bait at the end of it.
Good luck on your search, and have a great time man!
Thanks ec1. I've trolled out of a paddle boat before, good times. The device you are refering to is called a gang troll. Basically, it's a set of blades with a small lead going to your bait and hook on the end. It's meant to mimic a school of fish and your bait being the straggler. This method was very productive when I was on Lac Kipawa, QC trolling for Lakers.

So I'm going to trying my hand at trolling spinners. I've also been recommended using small bucktail jigs, I'll give ti a whirl as well. I can't wait, first trip of the season for me.
Just a quickie report, nothing spectacular.

Fished for a couple hours each day of the Victoria day long weekend. Mostly using spinners and worms under floats. Caught many OOS smallmouth and a handful of rockbass; no rainbows were had. I didn't take any pictures of the OOSn fish as I beleive they shuld be returned to the drink immediately.

It was nice to drop a line though.
Good call on returning the smallies asap.Tough luck about the rainbows though. Hmmm, stocked rainbows... I know it's too late for you now, but I would have tried some Berkley power bait (trout bait). I used to catch 'em one after the other on that stuff in stocked ponds.
Sorry to hear you didn't get any rainbows. May I ask you what tackle you were using? Trout have very good eyesight, and can see lines and hooks if they are too big. I recommend nothing more than 4lb diameter. If you use trebles, I recommend they are of size 12. If you cant find a size 12, you can try the size 10s or take them off Strike King Bitsy Minnows.

As for bait, Ive personally only used 3 times of bait. First is the most commonly used bait, and thats the Powerbait Trout dough. Its worked for me for years now and always go back to it if nothing else works. 2nd are those Berkley trout worms. I like to cut them in half or even thirds. And finally, something new for me this year, and ive had some very productive days using it, are the new Berkley 1" Gulp Minnows. I was using these for crappie during the fall, and to my surprise work very well with trout.

Something to try for next time :oops: Cheers
Interesting suggestions fellas, ones I'll keep in mind should I return to a similar lake.

I was using 6lbs flourocarbon line, perhaps I should have considered going to 4lbs on the extra spool. I was using # 1 and 2 size spinners.

Speaking with locals when I was up there, I was informed that about 400 rainbow fingerlings are brought in every year by a resident, this was going on for approx. 10 years. He also noted that the chances of catching rainbow were small, because of the small population, and worm and bobber was the way to go.
I second the use of the power bait. I had these yellow spongy eggs that worked just fine in a small lake.
I caught a 5 # rainbow a few years ago in Haliburton on a red and white daredevil. I guess it was the first 1 I aught and I kept it----it's belly was chock full of crays, so maybe crayfish would be a good choice.
I have catch rainbow on many different lures; jointed rapala, spoons of different sizes, rebel crayfish, worms, roe, wolley bugger and other flies. If it's early May, they will be near the surface. I prefer to troll and I leave a lot of line out. Hope that helps.