Technically new

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2013
Well technically I'm new since I actually registered though I've browsed these forums many many times in the past.

I've been fishing for 25 of my almost 30 years and now trying to pass it on to another generation as well. I see how you guys treat newbies looking for info so I won't ask for any spots or anything like that :)

I am in Sauga but typically fish Oakville or Caledon around here. Though I much prefer Haliburton. If I'm not dragging the wee one with me generally I fish alone, not by preference but just because though some friends enjoy fishing, most don't enjoy it enough to get up at 4 in the morning to get to the bait shop early.

I've recently decided I want to start fly fishing so we'll see how that turns out this season, the main reason I signed up so I can browse around for tips and tricks for fly fishing.

That said I'll be poking around in the future but if someone happens to actually read this, Hello!

BearInTheWoods said:
I see how you guys treat newbies looking for info so I won't ask for any spots or anything like that :)
That bums me out but I think you'll realize that everyone on here is pretty friendly, some people have just had poor experiences with inconsiderate anglers and overcrowded streams.

I'm hoping to pick up fly fishing too! This seems like a great place to get tips I doubt you'll be let down. Cheers!

Lol I often fish alone for the same reason, Even if they decide to come after 10 hours on the water they get "tired"
Welcome Bear! Sorry I didn't welcome you earlier, and hope other members were like me and were just busy!

First off, the question I am known for! What species is your favorite??? I love bass! :D (I'd ask what setup you use, but you added it too your original post! :) )

It's great that your helping a younger generation! It's people like you that help keep people involved! THANKS!

BearInTheWoods said:
I see how you guys treat newbies looking for info so I won't ask for any spots or anything like that :)
It is horrible that you get that impression from this site! :( I think the mods, and other members in leadership positions should address this to change the way newcomers feel.

I don't really leave TO much when it comes to fishing, because there is tons of good fishing to be had in the city, if you ever come my way when Bass opens, I'll gladly share a few with you. Please, please, please feel free to ask any question you have, remember no question is a stupid question, so ask away friend, even if it is for spots! (the worst that will happen is you'll get no response...)

welcome...ahh fly fishing-- you will love it--if you want i am conducting a seminar this saturday its free as an introduction to beginner fly fishing techniques...ahh i cant do it--i am terrible but love this fly thing a ton you will too--just remember once you buy everything you need you will need more of everything.
remyboy1 said:
welcome...ahh fly fishing-- you will love it--if you want i am conducting a seminar this saturday its free as an introduction to beginner fly fishing techniques...ahh i cant do it--i am terrible but love this fly thing a ton you will too--just remember once you buy everything you need you will need more of everything.
:eek: :eek:
BearInTheWoods said:
Well technically I'm new since I actually registered though I've browsed these forums many many times in the past.

I've been fishing for 25 of my almost 30 years and now trying to pass it on to another generation as well. I see how you guys treat newbies looking for info so I won't ask for any spots or anything like that :)

I am in Sauga but typically fish Oakville or Caledon around here. Though I much prefer Haliburton. If I'm not dragging the wee one with me generally I fish alone, not by preference but just because though some friends enjoy fishing, most don't enjoy it enough to get up at 4 in the morning to get to the bait shop early.

I've recently decided I want to start fly fishing so we'll see how that turns out this season, the main reason I signed up so I can browse around for tips and tricks for fly fishing.

That said I'll be poking around in the future but if someone happens to actually read this, Hello!
Welcome aboard...check the fly section, lots of good stuff (and folks) there​
Haha, I wasn't saying people aren't friendly, just saying I won't name names of spots etc... I had a nice little spot to myself for the last few years but last year I went at least 50 times, not once was I the only fisher on a 100 foot section of creek.

I was born and raised in Mississauga but did the first 20 years of my life fishing in Haliburton, so the fishing around here isn't quite what I'm used to. I know there is good fishing around here but just gotta find it, and sometimes just basic strategies. I have to change my game so to speak.
For one up there was always from a boat. I don't have a boat. So shore fishing is taking some getting used to.

I got myself some good waders and that helps for a lot of spots. I mostly started around here by fishing conservation areas, just because I knew there were guaranteed fish. Then I found my spot and now that is getting crowded so I'm starting to venture around. Thinking of hitting LVH in Oakville tomorrow morning if anyone catches my drift. I had a general question, doubt I'll get an answer overnight but I'm gonna check in the morning just in case...
Are live bait/minnows allowed from all/some/none of the piers of Lake Ontario? Mississauga, Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton?

I was raised a lake trout & bass fisher. I've recently gathered a fondness for pike but have determined I am going to catch my first rainbow on a fly and my first (landed) muskie ever this year. I've hooked a few but my current gear is pretty inadequate, I've got my eyes on Kijiji for a gem.
BearInTheWoods said:
I was raised a lake trout & bass fisher. I've recently gathered a fondness for pike but have determined I am going to catch my first rainbow on a fly and my first (landed) muskie ever this year. I've hooked a few but my current gear is pretty inadequate, I've got my eyes on Kijiji for a gem.
Congrats on the new species! :D