Ted Rogers OR Ma Bell?

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Sep 18, 2006
Mrs Disspatcher & I are in the middle of purchasing a house in Georgina. (3 minute drive to the Marina! :) )
I have been in the same house for 8 yrs now and we are ready for a change.

My question is....which is better...Rogers OR Bell??

I need phone,cable and internet package. I do have HDTV's BUT have never used the feature.
(currently using bell sat,phone & H/S sympatico @ $150 month!!)
I absolutly hate the customer service Bell gives, but is Rogers any better??

Any help would be appreiciated.

meh.. both rogers and bell services suck, though bell is much worse. I would have to go with rogers for TV and phone. You should do a little bit of research and compare the prices on both bell / rogers services, then when talking to a rogers rep, try to bargain for deals by just stating what bell has to offer and their price. Even if that doesn't work, since you are a new customer, it should be a decent deal to buy the tv and phone package because of their promotions. But for internet, both of them really suck. So if its available in your area, try going with teksavvy dsl @ http://www.teksavvy.com/en/index.asp for internet. It is way cheaper than what rogers and bell have to offer on their cable/dsl and it has one of the best customer service departments today. If you're a downloader, teksavvy would be even more to your advantage since rogers/bell have their throttling crap as well as their bandwidth caps/limits.

Hope this helps.
I have to agree with kennyhman
Teksavvy is a great dsl provider.
I have been using them for a few months now and I will never go back to bell
Rogers will be willing to give you a deal better then Bell, I have both and agree with kennyham they both suck.
They both suck!!

As for internet service I totally recommend TekSavvy myself as well.


As for HDTV content... I guess get whatever you want but... I've heard that hd channels provided by Bell (picture quality wise) is slightly better? I think it's that Bell ExpressVu Satellite. Also, up there in North... I think it's Cogeco not Rogers, no? You may want to check out Cogeco too.
Cogeco is N/E and West from here.Its either Rogers or Hell, ....I mean Bell. :)
Think with the moving part, Im going to use it for leverage for the best deal btwn them.
As some have already pointed out, they both suck in terms of customer service. With Bell though, their tech support is in India. :D Rogers edges out Bell in this area, but not by much.

I've been with both and the bottom line is that you often have to ask to cancel all of your services before they will transfer you to someone who will take care of you properly! :)
I don't kow what to say about Phone/TV but as for Internet...

I really do recommend TekSavvy.com

Not sure about Bell but Rogers have that HomePhone service which is VoIP (Voice over IP) basically internet phone. Sure it's great for user who need long distance and such but here is a major down side. No Power = No Phone, No Internet = No Phone, Internet distruption = No Phone, Internet slow down = lower quality sound, break up, lag, disconnection..., 911 can't location you like landline.

Bell/Rogers have download cap... can't remember how LOW! limited it is but Bell is like 30GB only... which is absolutely gay!

Now if you must stay with Bell for internet... FORCE them to do a price match for you after your first 3 months or whatever discount promotion... tell them TekSavvy or bunch of others offer unlimited for only $29. They will offer higher price but all you gotta do is stick with them your lower price and they'll most likely agree to it... but with a 1 year contract or some bull **** like that... at this point you just gotta tell them no-way in hell you'll do a contract either.
That is how I told them off to price match without contract for a year. After a year I told them to (*#%09834 OFF and went to TekSavvy :) Reason you can price match is because they both are DSL. Not sure how Rogers will be since they are cable based.

Anyways... I think in not too long of a long term... it will be better for you to just get a satellite HD service.
I have a phone for each network. I find in the city, rogers works better with fewer drop offs, clearer sound. I find when i go up north, bell works better for me and has a broader range of coverage. When you compare the plans, I think you can get a better deal with rogers and the best advice for getting the best deals with rogers would be to talk to your friends about the non advertised specials that roger's has from time to time.
Here's a hint for anyone looking for a better deal, ask to be transfered to 'customer retention' this is the department that's allowed to bribe you big time to stay on. The normal people you get on the phone will offer you the little cheese and if you go for it, all the better for them. But if you finally get to cr (normally through wanting to cancel everything) they're the ones that can offer you the massive discounts; I've been enjoying one of their offers or another the whole time I was with rogers and figure I was saving between 40-20% at any one time.
longsilver said:
Here's a hint for anyone looking for a better deal, ask to be transfered to 'customer retention' this is the department that's allowed to bribe you big time to stay on. The normal people you get on the phone will offer you the little cheese and if you go for it, all the better for them. But if you finally get to cr (normally through wanting to cancel everything) they're the ones that can offer you the massive discounts; I've been enjoying one of their offers or another the whole time I was with rogers and figure I was saving between 40-20% at any one time.

longsilver said:
Here's a hint for anyone looking for a better deal, ask to be transfered to 'customer retention' this is the department that's allowed to bribe you big time to stay on. The normal people you get on the phone will offer you the little cheese and if you go for it, all the better for them. But if you finally get to cr (normally through wanting to cancel everything) they're the ones that can offer you the massive discounts; I've been enjoying one of their offers or another the whole time I was with rogers and figure I was saving between 40-20% at any one time.

too bad the deals they usually give you when you plan to switch services are usually crap. when will they ever stop giving us crappy services for the huge prices?!
If i have option for Rogers & Bell.go ahead with Rogers.they have great customer service.Bell is crap.not even open 24/7 like Rogers.I am with them for few years and i liked their service.go Rogers