Tell me why your wading boots are awesome. Or, aren't.

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Thanks for the help guys. I checked out the korkers and the simms last night... I have heard horror stories with the korkers and as soon as I picked one up I knew why. The thing felt like a toys'r'us toy. I knew Id be snapping those bad boys in no time. Also have heard horror stories with the boa lacing systems so veered away from that. Went just with a beefier boot of what I was presently rocking, and grabbed some simms freestones with traditional laces. Thanks for the help fellas
I had the same problem blowing a boot in the summer km's from the car except I had no tape. Stockingfoot punched right through and stepped on a branch or something, leaks a bit now. I had to Magyver my boot with mono and limp out. Chotas probably had 10 years mileage so can't complain. Picked up G3s as well
, they are high, seem solid. Lesson-always carry duct tape boys and girls
ha. Mono... working with what you have anyway. Yeah well not even duct tape but a roll of electrical tape in the back of the vest at all times now - thats for sure.
Korker Chrome just love em. boa lacing system never had a problem with it but I keep a spare lace and wheel just in case, very comfortable and light. The interchangeable sole is cool but I just keep the studs on so if the soles weren't interchangeable I think I would like them more but I've never had any problems with the soles.
had my chotas for about 7 years, the boot itself is still in great shape only problem was the heel, just fell off a few days ago, i wouldnt hesitate to buy another pair of chotas.
Good chice on the freestones. If anyone else is looking for an opinion, go simms (can't speak for Patagonia but friends who own them are happy). There are a couple issues with Korkers, one is that the act of taking the soles off can snap them (I've seen this happen). Two is you have to buy a pre-studded sole, which not all shops carry, because the soles are so thin you can't drive a stud in without it going right through. And I agree, avoid the BOA system and felt unless you really have to use them.
Paul1913 said:
I just got the freestone also this week. Paired with headwaters should be good go.
Paul, we are going to be matching. I got the same combo.
Is this normal for 1 year old simms boots?



yes PUMP, while the vibram soles are excellent for gripping and reduce the transfer of invasive species, they do wear quickly. I put some studs to give me grip on ice in the winter and to reduce wear on the soles.
Brian, do you leave the studs on all year round or take them off during spring - fall and then put them back on in the winter?
I believe if you take them out, next time you want to put screws in they need to be in different spots. So don't remove them often
Yup as TC said, I just leave em in all year. And Shawarma gave the reason why