Try to borrow one from someone and try it for a day or two. It requires you to pay more attention and take more control of the reel (like total control) but that's what makes it fun.
Had a Chinook on my line today when I wasn't paying attention and it took off like a rocket up the river. By the time I could react and slow my reel down, it already backlashed into a mess! It can make fishing harder, but with the focus required to use it, you will definitely be earning more fish!
Personally I fell in love with CP reel fishing, and actually spent all of last summer using it for non-river species and drop-shoting from a boat. Also use it a lot for ice fishing. Basically, to me, vertical presentations are great with pins, and you'll love how many rotations you need to bring in that monster fish! I'm not afraid to cast lures with the pin as well, mostly spinners and plastics. CP fishing for carp is a blast too