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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2012
On the river is truly the best place to be! First time posting here, i have been lurking around for a bit. Anyway ive just recently picked up fly fishing and finally have a nice reward! Since i live in Toronto its hard to find good places that will produce that are not to far away but this area is within an hour from the city
Its a small brown trout i believe, although i could be wrong...


Wow the colour on the fish is beautiful. I always love trout and I think the are the most beautiful fish. The colour, detail , and look. Can't wait to get my own :)

Keep up the post!

I would say that is a parr brown trout going into the smolt stage. Super cool catch :cool: And welcome, hope to see more pictures from your adventures :)
Yea the colour was amazing, although the picture doesn't do it any justice - it looked so much better in person. Im planning to go out again on monday and hopefully find some more resident browns, maybe even a brookie. Im still in the exploring stages of my fly fishing experience so each time i go out i try to check out somewhere new, but i generally stay on the headwaters of the credit.
nice brown do you know what the water temp was. Was there last week and it was 66. To got for the trout in my opinion. Cheers Jeff thats what they look like in a few months.
nice brown do you know what the water temp was. Was there last week and it was 66. To got for the trout in my opinion. Cheers Jeff

I was on the river between 530pm and 8pm and i didnt have a thermometer with me with but to the touch, it was pretty cool. I would guess somewhere around 20 degrees +/- a few degrees. I was out this morning again but no takers, even the little guys wouldn't take.
I would really have to agree with Jeff on this topic. Without a proper thermometer, it's really quite hard to tell what the water temperature is. Given the hot weather and lack of rain we've been getting, there is no doubt that the water temperature is too hot to fish for trout. Kill rate will be close to 100% (if not 100%), especially with small fish. This is the reason why the MNR have put up signs at some of the popular access points at our favorite rivers for "voluntary no fishing". They'll be up until the water levels go up and the water temperature cools.

This doesn't mean you can't fly fish though. Just target warm water species instead (ie. bass or blue gill). There's bass at this time of the year in the lower credit river stretches which is only about a 20 minute drive from downtown Toronto. Usually not busy this time of year.

Just some information that's been passed on to me & thought I'd share.

Tight lines folks & nice pics 34ric! :)
Thanks for the post and nice pics.
I'd be guessing.... but I'm thinking that little guy you caught, is a small Atlantic Salmon. Being an hour from TO substantiates it.
was the tail quite forked and the fish more slender than most?
Good luck and tight lines always!

Fly Guy
The tail was triangular and didnt have any fork to it. I too was thinking it was an atlantic salmon at first
I stand corrected, it is indeed an atlantic salmon. Got another one today around the same size.