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addicts don't have conscience. they mind runs by how and when they need their next fix....don't even leave loose change inside your car...
Bow Man said:
Wow thank you brother! I have sent all my reciepts into the insurance company, they will fully cover the car seat, but will only give 30% value of all other items.

Again thank you, i will PM you
At least the insurance is somewhat helpful. I know 30% probably feels like nothing.
Fisheads, i am just happy they covered my sons car seat, that is what i was most pissed about.
A dashcam that live streams to your mobile device would be a future way of preventing this from happening again. Sorry to hear about your stuff getting stolen, thieves suck!
All dash cam will do, is let you know real time, when its happing, and prove to the police and insurance company you were robbed. Thief covers his/her face. Probably take the dash cam too. As far as confronting them you never know if have a weapon or more of them than you can handle. It does suck that this stuff happens, it gets really frustrating.
That it horrible man. I know losing the stuff is a piss off, but what I find is the invasion of your space to be the worst. I had my car broken into at work (window smashed, all they got was my smokes). It sucked, and took me months to get the fear out that it would happen again.

From that I learned not to keep anything of value in my car. Only bring what I need when fishing. I was on the Grand yesterday and I was worried about leaving my car for that 3-4 hours. Most of these spots in my area are isolated and visibility limited , meaning that dealers etc use them for meeting spots.

The sad part of your story is the stealing of the car seat. That is low, and goes to show how worthless that individual is.

A reminder for all, and especially with xmas around the corner don't keep stuff in your car. Don't leave charging cables, change, or anything that might look tempting out in the open.

Again, sorry to hear about this and hope you're doing OK.