This forum sucks...

Ontario Fishing Forums

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I think most of you are missing the point here... Im not ranting about snagging or flossing... salmon season was done along time ago afterall.

Okay put it this way...

PEOPLE ARE USING YOUR POSTS!!! they dont care that you had a good day, they dont care that you landed your pb, they dont care about our natural resources.

for ******* crying out loud why bother post the name of the river? if your friend wants to know pm him dont let the whole ******* world know....
So basically you are saying the forum should be censored more than it is. If I say I caught a 12 lb 'Bow on the Credit, Grand, Saugeen or Ganny, I'm not giving much away other than a few hundred miles of river. Trollers will troll and there are other forums too. They will be there. My post that I caught it in The Credit will only give them a small hint. They will think I caught it at Erindale Park which apparently is very popular. Thing is I think Erindale sucks and never, ever fish there, so I am actually sending them away from where I like to fish.
Oh yeah, trollers. Go to Petro Canada on Bronte the fishing is great. I have also warned the MNR that you may be there.
Censorship sucks. OFF does not.

We also have to consider the long run of our fisheries, just because some of us post names of tribs doesnt mean some lurker is going to be able to smash fish there, but it does mean they are investing in our sport, buying liscenses, gear etc. The more fisherman there are the better our fisheries are getting taken care of. I'm not saying that 100 fishermen in one pool is a good thing, but it may mean that someone may get addicted to this sport like myself and really want to better our rivers lakes and streams. Its a win loss scenario, there may be more guys hitting some of your favorite pools, snaggers and anglers alike, but it also means more money going into local businesses especially in small towns (among other things.) and let's face it, how many times have you walked up to a pool, there's 10 guys there who may not know what they're doing, you drift through once and WAM. Fish on!

In all honesty, four of my favorite tribs have never been mentioned on this site, and I'm somewhat thankful for that, but also, I would love to share some of my success with other anglers who charish and respect this sport. I have yet to go fish a trib just because someone said they hit fish there on this site, but I have gained some knowledge. And also, check out some state side tribs, they get 20 times the pressure and still... A phenomenal fishery. You're actually aloud to snag salmon in Michigan. I'm done my litte rant. I guess I'm just trying to justify some of this lol...

Well said.
- also to all the previous post replys as well (Great to hear the passion and concern)

Typically /Thankfully for every BAD one there are 95% decent ones. (the rest still in the grey zone)
The math is in our favour.
The Bad ones just make the "News", come to our attentions even more.

I think we all should say: East Trib, West Trib, Georgian Trib ... Niagara. Not neccassarily the exact river.
Not being a hypocrite on that one either, cause i know i have been slightly more specific. in the past and am correcting those slips for now and the future.

Good thing is that I dont even use a cellphone for pics (GPS) nor do many pics have background.
I've certainly had exceptions (Harbourfront, Whirlpool ...) but can honestly say: There may be a "Temporary influx" ... that dwindles off because:

The average BAD FISHERMAN, thinks life and fishing is easy.
We all know that is not true. The good news is that they get discouraged after one outing and never go again to that location, time .... species specific.

I know some guys might not like the following statement, but here goes:

I DO NOT CONDONE IT ... but am actually glad that most of the crap occurs with the STOCKED SALMON during the fall insanity.
Doesnt justify any bad behaviour .... yet it my opinion, better to let the loogans chase the over rated salmon, than start becoming interested in more declining native species.

They cant catch fish anyway! |Normally) ... so the few that are sacrificed to their patheticness - not good, but not too many (HOPEFULLY).

There are GOOD FISHERMEN on this site, who I will not ever say anything BAD or FLAME (They do follow the regs)
but who I know KEEP FISH CONTINUALLY. It is their right, however .... if you want to talk about:


and by the way, it is not coincedence that the math shows: Good Fishermen (skilled) KEEPING MOST of these FISH!

so .....

Wish it was a perfect world but its not.


Follow the regs, Clean up the garbage, Practice more Catch & Release ... use common sense.
Have Fun!

1) OFF is a good and informative forum. Saying the entire forum sucks just cause one person posted a revealing picture or mentioned the name of a river is stupid. It's a PUBLIC FORUM, people will do that!

2) So what is someone is "using" my response? Isn't that the point of this forum? To learn what works. To see what people are catching and in what general area. If my response ever helps someone else catch a fish, I'm proud of that. I don't need to direct people exactly where to fish or exactly what to do but there is plenty of helpful advice we can all give each other.

3) Imagine how boring this forum would be if people just said "Went 4/6 today". No one would visit the forum if no one gave advice, tips, pictures, ect.
1) OFF is a good and informative forum. Saying the entire forum sucks just cause one person posted a revealing picture or mentioned the name of a river is stupid. It's a PUBLIC FORUM, people will do that!

2) So what is someone is "using" my response? Isn't that the point of this forum? To learn what works. To see what people are catching and in what general area. If my response ever helps someone else catch a fish, I'm proud of that. I don't need to direct people exactly where to fish or exactly what to do but there is plenty of helpful advice we can all give each other.

3) Imagine how boring this forum would be if people just said "Went 4/6 today". No one would visit the forum if no one gave advice, tips, pictures, ect.


I think as always ... it has to do with the "Real Time" incidents that happen out on a "Pressured Trib".
The fact that we use the term PRESSURED TRIB and obviously the FACT that you had to be there YOURSELF ... makes for some interesting physics.


This should be informative and lighten the mood:

Unfortunately it does show FULL BACKGROUND which may lead to Influx tomorrow:


REPORT:PIKE: (Approx 8lbs)

September 24, 2009 3:30pm
Credit River - Mouth ( right side ... just before the rock juttey)
"Blue Cleo Spoon" (3/4 oz) $5.09 canadian tire
8 lb mono line, 7Ft spinning Combo
Steel Swivel Snap - No leader

Temp: 14 C
Water Conditions: Clear
Slow retrieve, small jerks to create better action
Caught 10 feet from shore in approx 6 feet deep water
* Pike followed in and struck near end of retrieve (initial cast 60ft)

- 4 witnesses were within area at the time
- Fish was released


Have since fished particular location many time since.
Not sure if the PIKE is still alive, or known locations or whereabouts .... been waiting for it to Write, Call or send word of progress.


If all the "reports" were like the one that Blair just posted, the site would be a great resource for people looking to learn to fish. Great details on tackle and techniques.
Sadly, a lot of the reports seem to be prima donnas just posting pics of the fish they caught with no info on tackle or techniques, just paranoid someone else might figure out "THEIR" super secret fishing spot.

Absolute bollocks and a complete waste of time for anyone looking for info on how to get started and what kind of gear to buy and use. Why bother posting a so-called report, you would be better of getting yourself a fish pics blog.....
If all the "reports" were like the one that Blair just posted, the site would be a great resource for people looking to learn to fish. Great details on tackle and techniques.
Sadly, a lot of the reports seem to be prima donnas just posting pics of the fish they caught with no info on tackle or techniques, just paranoid someone else might figure out "THEIR" super secret fishing spot.

Absolute bollocks and a complete waste of time for anyone looking for info on how to get started and what kind of gear to buy and use. Why bother posting a so-called report, you would be better of getting yourself a fish pics blog.....

Blair was being facetious.

As for info on how to get started and what kind of gear to buy and use, you can't go wrong either way. There exists a plethora of options. Regardless of what rod or reel you buy, and where you start fishing and what bait you use, you'll learn something. One guy might be killin' it at the mouth or off his boat but have no idea how to catch them in the tribs. Someone might excel with spinners but not know how to use roe or flies. Lots of ways and places to catch these fish.

As for why bother posting a pic report...I would bet money that you're the sole member of this forum with the opinion that it's a complete waste of time.
I really don't see any harm in someone saying they caught a bunch of fish on the Notty, for e.g., or even the lower Notty. From Alliston to Wasaga must be at least 100k by river. I also think we tend to overestimate the effect of posting more specific info. on this or any other site. How many people will actually read a post and then ACTUALLY go out and fish that spot? Nobody but a novice, I'd say. The others know better.
dude notty is huge and half the land is private so its harder to access it lol. i understand when people get more sensitive over smaller tribs.
I think most of you are missing the point here... Im not ranting about snagging or flossing... salmon season was done along time ago afterall.

Okay put it this way...

PEOPLE ARE USING YOUR POSTS!!! they dont care that you had a good day, they dont care that you landed your pb, they dont care about our natural resources.

for ******* crying out loud why bother post the name of the river? if your friend wants to know pm him dont let the whole ******* world know....

lol this is funny that's why it called forum talking talking PEOPLE ARE USING YOUR POST? in what going in the river that you catch the fish? oh common L2P you are pro right you know the right place where to catch the fish RIGHT? why you bothering saying this at forum? so people hide the background when they taking a picture? and dont post what river you went fishing? i think you are a loner, fishing is for everyone and fishing is to make new friends and fishing buddy i bet you fish always by your self? gonna ask you something ok. WHEN YOU GOT HOOKED A FISH AND YOU ARE ALONE DID YOU ENJOY IT? AND NO ONE IS BESIDE YOU NO FRIEND TO HELP YOU?


For posting pics that reveal obvious locations - I agree that blurring backgrounds is a good idea, given the fishing pressure it could add.

Georgianbaydrifter seems like a conservation minded angler, I have only seen him keep one fish. I'm sure if asked he will blur out the background of his photos. Just upload them to photobucket or a similar service and use their edit function.
Hmmm, this is an interesting thread.

Anyways, I dont have much to say, the less you say the better anyways. Personally, I've always had a problem with the "openess" of naming creeks and particular spots but what to do, I enjoy visiting the site and thats the way this site operates. If I really didn't like it, I wouldn't visit at all. SImple as that.

Now, this is a forum, its for sharing information. Of course people are using our posts for their benefit!!! This wouldn't be a forum if that wasn't one of the main reason people visited. Its like in real life, people use you, until they find someone else thats fits their needs more so than you can provide, so they don't need you any more, we all know people like that now don't we? :cool: Just as well as we know the people who have posted pictures of snagged fish ;) Just saying.

Can't keep everyone happy, either. I think this site is a great resource, lots of people willing to HELP AND CONTRIBUTE, and the contribution aspect is huge. From reading posts you can tell who is who. You can separate them into types, each forum has them, you've got smart *****, people who only show off pictures ( the, "oh look at the fish I cant catch!" people ), people who want to help and teach,etc. The list goes on. This site, from the few forums I do frequent, has the most willing and helpful people, which in fact, makes this site amazing, especially for new comers.

I do agree with you l2p, not that the forum "sucks", but with the naming of the creeks and locations part.
Lol Blair, and salmontrutta, you're absolutely right. I love seeing other guys shots of fish, gets me stoked! I know I can catch fish, I have confidence, and a lot of knowledge. Know how I gained 90% of that knowledge? Experience. I found 50% of my tribs by word of mouth and exploring, the other 50% my buddies showed me. Get out there! I'm going to give everyone on this site the best advice yet. 90% of ontarios great lake "larger" creeks streams and rivers will hold some species of trout. Mostly bows. If you look in the regulations, it'll tell you all the creeks and rivers that you can still fish this time of year for bows browns and pacifics. (which means they probably hold fish) how to set up a rod for float fishing. It doesn't matter what kind of rod you have, my ex girlfriend used to pound fish with a berkely cherry wood (she pisses a lot of skilled anglers off) first buy some floats, either fixed or slip, put your float on your main line, next put on a small ball bearing swivel. Depending on the gram rating on your float, put a bunch of split shot above your swivel to weight the float and get your bait down. Next put some leader line material on, try running four pound fluorocarbon, if you break fish off, step it up, if you're not getting any bites, or the water is clear run three or even two pound. The deeper the pool the longer the leader should be, if you are running a really long lead, put a small split shot a foot above your hook, put a hook on, now some bait. Roe, worms, gulp, trout worms, beads, flys, jigs. Judge the water, fish deep runs and pools. How many people is this going to piss off?!
Lol Blair, and salmontrutta, you're absolutely right. I love seeing other guys shots of fish, gets me stoked! I know I can catch fish, I have confidence, and a lot of knowledge. Know how I gained 90% of that knowledge? Experience. I found 50% of my tribs by word of mouth and exploring, the other 50% my buddies showed me. Get out there! I'm going to give everyone on this site the best advice yet. 90% of ontarios great lake "larger" creeks streams and rivers will hold some species of trout. Mostly bows. If you look in the regulations, it'll tell you all the creeks and rivers that you can still fish this time of year for bows browns and pacifics. (which means they probably hold fish) how to set up a rod for float fishing. It doesn't matter what kind of rod you have, my ex girlfriend used to pound fish with a berkely cherry wood (she pisses a lot of skilled anglers off) first buy some floats, either fixed or slip, put your float on your main line, next put on a small ball bearing swivel. Depending on the gram rating on your float, put a bunch of split shot above your swivel to weight the float and get your bait down. Next put some leader line material on, try running four pound fluorocarbon, if you break fish off, step it up, if you're not getting any bites, or the water is clear run three or even two pound. The deeper the pool the longer the leader should be, if you are running a really long lead, put a small split shot a foot above your hook, put a hook on, now some bait. Roe, worms, gulp, trout worms, beads, flys, jigs. Judge the water, fish deep runs and pools. How many people is this going to piss off?!

float everything u said right there is fine this type of stuff shoud be discussed on a forum i see no problem with it. People are getting little more defensive on naming the tribs and showing full backgrounds.
Well that I kind of agree with... I have my secrets and I'm sure most of you guys do to. Like I said before, there is so many tribs. I remember one friday night at an eastern trib, three hundred dudes there and the run kind of sucked, Went to one of our smaller Tribs, not one person, it was pissing rain and we were under a bridge, and the best part? Thousands of salmon lol. I think we should come to a census, the credit and the bronte can be mentioned. Right? Lol
Float down, you are right.

A ftting line might be, "I don't want you fishing the creeks I do" :twisted:
Hey dont get me wrong if I meet a couple of anglers from this site and they seem like good conservationists good people and good anglers, I'll take them to some of the spots I have found or gotten permison to fish, in hopes I get the same in return (or just for some company.) if all of us decent anglers with lots of foot work and studying under our belts got together and shared spots... Think about all the fun we could have!!!! Lol
Nice pike Blair! I know where I'm heading with my kayak in the spring :mrgreen: Jordan harbour is also good.
If all the "reports" were like the one that Blair just posted, the site would be a great resource for people looking to learn to fish. Great details on tackle and techniques.
Sadly, a lot of the reports seem to be prima donnas just posting pics of the fish they caught with no info on tackle or techniques, just paranoid someone else might figure out "THEIR" super secret fishing spot.

Absolute bollocks and a complete waste of time for anyone looking for info on how to get started and what kind of gear to buy and use. Why bother posting a so-called report, you would be better of getting yourself a fish pics blog.....

I agree, its sad to see the attitude that some people have. I personally started fishing recently and I`m teaching myself as I go. I use this site and others for information because I don`t know anyone that can teach me. I don`t post because I have little knowledge to offer since I`m still very new at this. I`m very grateful for all the helpful posts that I get to read

Don`t assume everyone lurking is a snagger who can`t wait to take over your honey hole. There's hundreds of thousands of lakes in Ontario, enough fish for everyone. If someone decides to show a revealing picture or name a river its their choice at the end of the day, no reason to get all upset because you frequent the same area.

Just thought I'd throw my opinion here as a novice angler. Not the best idea to make my first post in a controversial topic. o well...
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