This seems odd to me

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2012
Alright I have been going thru my tackel box today and I found these feathered jigs I got from a guy at a yard sale he said they were extras he had made for trout fishing here's the odd part the hook size is #1 isn't this really large or is it just me should I even use them for trout or are they over kill
ChaseChrome said:
Bucktail jigs?? Its what I managed to catch one of my lakers on simcoe this ice season on. I had bought them to drift under a float at Niagara but never really tested it too much..
Nothing wrong with hanging onto them..just because the guy tied the jigs for trout doesn't mean they wont catch other species. Who know maybe they'll be one of your go to's once you find an application for them.
I've never seen, but I have heard of guys catching pike and bass on large flies. Perhaps you could give them a shot next time your out for either and let us know?
oh i wasnt going to get rid of them im keeping them i may take a couple of the ones that need to be tied again and do it on a smaller hook
I've drifted lindy marabou jigs for browns but smaller than size 1. they work on browns but haven't catched steel or rainbow on them.
i fish with my 3 brothers and we fish walleyes, muskie, pike, and bass. we have never ever fished for any kind or trout and we all own hair/feathered jigs. when we are fishing walleyes early season one of us always has a hair jig tied on and it is not uncommen to get those bass laying on beds as well. I have never used them for pike but we all know pike will hit anything.
I have heard of big jigs used for muskie before. I think they can be utilized for many different species.
A size 1 is a massive hook !! Thats for big game like muskie , pike, if you catch a fish on that you better have a camera :mrgreen: It will be a KEEPER